On October 14, Jason Lazzerini assumed the position of chief executive officer of Locations. Jason joined us from American Savings Bank, where he served as senior vice president and director of home loans. He has nearly 20 years of experience in the banking industry and has served in various leadership capacities at American Savings Bank, Deutsche Bank, US Bancorp and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC).
Jason is a graduate of the University of Washington’s Foster School of Business and Northern Illinois University. He is a volunteer for Aloha Medical Mission and a 2018 Pacific Century Fellow graduate. He was raised in Hawaii and the greater Chicago area.
Locations sat down with Jason to get to know him better.
What attracted you to Locations?
In a word: Potential. With the caliber of people here--the culture and the technology--there's nothing we can't accomplish.
I felt at home at Locations the moment I stepped into the building. The people here are engaged and receptive, and I could feel the spirit of collaboration. It’s like no other real estate office I have visited. Everyone at Locations I've worked with has impressed me on so many different levels. Having interacted with agents and members of the Location's leadership team over the years, I know the company’s mission statement is much more than a piece of paper that gets passed out at employee orientation. I was also impressed with the technology, training and tools Locations arms its agents with--all of which ultimately benefits our clients.
How do you see Locations changing over the next few years, and how do you see yourself contributing to that change?
With our people and our platform, there is a long runway for sustained growth. Locations knows this business and we know the market--it's what’s allowed us to be successful for 50 years!
Through a culture of coaching and rigorous performance management, coupled with robust technology and data resources, Locations agents are able to work smarter and invest their time in the most critical activities. That translates into a better experience for our clients. There is already a solid framework in place; we just need to build around it.
In terms of my contribution, I plan to keep an open mind, and listen to our agents and to our clients. I have a deep conviction that it's our role to educate our clients. I believe that when agents educate their clients, the entire industry—and the community—benefits.
How has your 20 years of experience in the banking industry prepared you to lead Locations?
My financial sector knowledge and business development background will allow me to be an effective partner to the sales team at Locations. My career in banking has also taught me the value of strategic planning. I absolutely love the process of setting goals and designing and executing a strategy. I do it relentlessly in my personal life, too.
I also gained a true appreciation for the power of culture thanks to my time in banking. Building a great culture is critical to attract talent, maintain employee engagement and deliver an exceptional client experience. A strong corporate culture needs constant attention and maintenance from everyone, and I’m excited to contribute what I’ve learned there to the already amazing culture at Locations.
What was your first job, and what lessons did you learn from it?
I almost can't remember a time when I wasn't working. My parents were strict about me contributing financially for the things that I wanted, and because I wanted things, I worked. My mother's family owned a tile and carpeting business, and I would clean and stock shelves when I was in grade school. Being around my family business I learned how to set big goals and not be afraid of failure.
What is your life’s biggest achievement?
I'm still working on it, and I think I always will be. I'm raising good human beings, and as all parents know, it's harder than it sounds! I want them to be kind and respectful, to achieve and fail, to love and be loved. I want to help them build strong characters so that they can deal with the challenges that life will inherently present.
Who do you admire most, and why?
That's easy - my wife. She is an amazing woman. She has an old-world kind of wisdom and a magical spontaneity about her. She put herself through school at UH and then through grad school in Boston. She ran a free women's clinic in San Francisco and did medical missions abroad before returning to Hawaii. She is just about to finish her doctorate, which she worked on full-time while pregnant. I sometimes would ask her, “How are you doing this?” Watching her carry and deliver our three children was the most inspirational thing I have ever witnessed.
You are also a professional jazz saxophonist...what is your most memorable experience performing?
I love playing music and have always loved improvising. I played lead tenor in a pretty prestigious jazz program at university in the Chicago area. For one of our tours, we played with Winton Marsalis. Winton is an amazing trumpet player and a serious jazz historian. On one number in the last set, Winton and I each took a solo and then traded four bar phrases back and forth. In jazz parlance, it's known as “trading fours.” To do that with Winton was a chicken-skin moment.
What do you like to do for fun?
I love the outdoors. When I was younger, I was an avid backpacker and rock climber. I've had to tone it down when I take the family, but it's still great to get out in nature and unplug.
In my day-to-day, I like to stay fit and spend time with my family. I enjoy swimming, running and interval training. I also love to read. These days, I read mostly for growth, but I slide in some fiction here and there. Oh, I also love wine!
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