More than 1.5 million people cast their votes for their favorite home in HGTV’s 2021 Ultimate House Hunt, and Locations Realtor® and Partner Dolores Bediones’ Paiko Lagoon listing took the top honor, in addition to coming in first in the Beachfront Homes category. This gorgeous Paiko Lagoon listing beat out the best of the best in luxury homes from across the country.
The winning listing
Only 20 minutes from Waikiki, this Paiko Lagoon estate is surrounded by 700 feet of water frontage, with Kānewai Fishpond on the left and a stream that opens to Paiko Lagoon, a sanctuary for migratory birds, on the right. Kānewai Fishpond is one of the last functioning shoreline fishponds in Honolulu. Listed on the State and National Historic Registers, it is also one of Oahu's few remaining royal ponds. The pond's history spans almost a thousand years, evidenced by the many water gourds and fishing artifacts discovered there. It was also likely the site of the first European visit to Oahu in 1786 by Captain Portlock. Paiko Lagoon is a designated wildlife sanctuary that provides a habitat for the Hawaiian Stilt and other migratory water birds. A former fishpond, the lagoon is fed by freshwater springs and the Kuliouou stream.
The home was designed by world-renowned architect Vladimir Ossipoff in 1964. Known as the “master of Hawaiian architecture,” Ossipoff was inspired by the interaction of indoor and outdoor spaces, and his aesthetic combines Japanese building techniques with modern architecture.
Whether entertaining family and friends by the pool, or just enjoying its tranquil setting, this modern Paiko Lagoon home offers Old Hawaii ambiance.
Watch Dolores give a tour of 5949 Kalanianaole Highway, DFast facts
- 5 beds
- 6 baths
- Interior sq.ft., 7,995
- Building area sq.ft., 10,708
- Listed at $11,500,000
- MLS #202104759
About Dolores
A Realtor and Partner at Locations, Dolores Bediones is one of Oahu’s “go-to” agents for international luxury homeowners and investors. With more than three decades of high-end residential real estate experience, dozens of career accolades and hundreds of happy clients, Dolores was Locations' 2020 Outstanding Partner in Sales and 2020 Listor of the Year, Partner.
This home is Dolores Bediones' second HGTV-award-winning listing, the "Sundial Home" in Hawaii Kai in 2016.
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