Realtor® Priscilla Walthouse was promoted from Associate Partner to Partner in June 2022.
"Priscilla is an incredible asset to Locations, and I look forward to her taking on a greater leadership role as a full Partner," said President and CEO of Locations George Santoki.
A Realtor® for more than two decades, Priscilla has earned numerous awards throughout her career, including the Locations’ Client Service and Platinum Society Club awards. She has also received the prestigious Aloha Aina REALTOR® Award and Honolulu Magazine's Best in Real Estate award.
Priscilla is a Certified Residential Specialist, Seller Representative Specialist and Senior Real Estate Specialist.
She is also a graduate of the Hawaii Association of REALTORS® Leadership Academy, Class of 2018, and currently serves as a Leadership Academy trustee.
Priscilla is a Locations Foundation Guardian Donor.
About the Locations Partner Program
Established in 1974, the Partner program at Locations has been a driving force behind the continued success of the firm and the productivity of Locations agents. Partnership is extended to Realtors® who demonstrate sustained excellence in sales performance, contribute to the growth and success of the firm, and are respected by their peers and their clients for their industry knowledge, professionalism and business integrity.
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