Corbett A.K. Kalama became the fourth president and CEO of RESCO, Inc., the parent company of Locations, in February 2023, following the retirement of George Santoki.
Prior to joining Locations in 2023, Corbett served as executive vice president of the Weinberg Foundation’s Hawaii Office. He has also held numerous positions at First Hawaiian Bank over 32 years, including executive vice president and manager of the bank’s Wealth Management Group.
Corbett serves on the boards of the Harold K.L. Castle Foundation and the First Hawaiian Bank Foundation, and he is president of Friends of Hawaii Charities, as well as and director and coach of Kailua Canoe Club. He has previously served as a Kamehameha Schools Trustee.
He is a graduate of Western Oregon University and the Pacific Coast Banking School at the University of Washington, where he was also a faculty member for 20 years.
Q. What attracted you to Locations?
A. Saying “yes” to Locations was a no-brainer. I was drawn to the firm because I want to be part of the solution to housing here in Hawaii. Growing up in the Islands, I was familiar with Locations’ 50-plus years in business, and I’ve always held the firm in high esteem. Many people don’t know that Locations played an integral role in Kamehameha Schools’ lease-to-fee conversion, which positioned Kamehameha Schools to better meet the mission of Princess Pauahi. As a former Kamehameha Schools Trustee, I’m forever grateful for that history and relationship.
Locations’ founders had a vision for a real estate company that was built for Hawaii, its people and its community. They showed their love for this place that I call home by establishing the Locations Foundation in 1988. That commitment to serving the people of Hawaii has continued throughout the company’s long history. When I looked at Locations and considered my own background in finance and banking and my many relationships in Hawaii’s business and non-profit communities, I realized that I could help to make a positive impact on housing and homeownership, too.
It's a privilege to lead this great local company, and I look forward to the growth that’s to come.
Q. What’s your vision for Locations?
A. There’s a saying in Hawaiian, kūlia i ka nuʻu, which means to strive for excellence, and that’s what we see driving us forward. My dream for Locations and its subsidiaries is to continue to be “Hawaii’s Best.” We envision Locations as the brokerage of choice for agents, the property manager of choice for individuals and entities, and the mortgage and title companies of choice for homebuyers and sellers. Locations is a company built on values. We’re more than just a real estate company—it’s our kuleana to care for our island community by creating opportunities for people to own homes and build generational wealth through real estate ownership. Through our homebuyer workshops and programs, community outreach and industry involvement, Locations is helping to make dreams come true.
Q. What are your priorities as you settle into your role as president and CEO of Locations?
A. My top priority as leader of Locations is to make us the number-one choice for Hawaii’s real estate agents, as well as homebuyers and sellers. Initially, my intention is to learn more about our organization and the people who work to keep it going. I will be talking story with our agents—from our Partners to our Greenies, popping into new agent training sessions, and sitting down with our IT, research, marketing and accounting folks to get their insights on the firm’s day-to-day operations.
Q. What does Locations offer agents?
A. Locations is a brokerage that supports our agents no matter where they are in their real estate career. Our responsibility to our agents is to equip them with the training, tools and technology they need to be successful—from complimentary coaching to neighborhood-level market research, to the Locations app. If agents bring a growth mindset, we’ll provide the opportunities. At Locations, there’s no limit to what our agents can achieve.
Q. What would you like Locations to be known for?
A. We would like Locations to be known as a company that cares—about our agents and employees, our clients and our communities. I’ve seen a lot of aloha at Locations already; aloha in the sense of being kind to one another, working together for the greater good, and looking for ways to reach consensus and address challenges. At Locations, our Partners and other experienced agents act as mentors to new agents and let them know that this is a place that is invested in them and their success. The Locations ‘Ohana is patient with one another, and we stick together to accomplish great things. From our top producers to our staff working behind the scenes, everyone has a voice and a family that cares about their personal and professional wellbeing.
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