Quantcast Open House Do's and Don'ts | Locations

Open House Do's and Don'ts

Whether you are in the market to buy a home or just like to attend Open Houses (admit it: you’re nosy!) keep this tips in mind when visiting an Open House:

Open House Do's:

  • Remember, even if the home is “open” to the public, it is still a private residence and you are a guest in the home. 
  • Leave your footwear at the door (and take that same footwear with you when you leave). I have yet to personally experience anyone “accidently” taking someone else’s footwear, but it did happen to one of my friends -- and he ended up leaving with a much smaller shoe size…go figure! So, maybe go with your boroboro shoes, just in case. 
  • Say “hello” to the agent working at the Open House and introduce yourself, if you’d like. 
  • Sign the open house guest book. You do not need to leave your contact information, but be prepared for the agent to ask you to leave if you’re not willing at least sign your name.  
  • If you are already working with a REALTOR®, please let us know. 
  • If you want to take pictures, ask the REALTOR® for permission first.
  • If possible, let the REALTOR® know when you leave. 

Open House Don'ts:

  • Don’t overstay your welcome. Feel free to ask as many questions as you’d like about the home, but give the agent the opportunity to be of service to the other visitors, too. 
  • Refrain from sitting on the furniture (or lying on the beds!) 
  • Don’t make negative comments about the home – it’s just not nice. Honest feedback is helpful, but please keep it objective.  
  • No smoking or vaping in the home. 
  • Don’t let your keiki run wild, and don’t be offended if an agent ask you to remind your keiki about how to behave in someone else’s home. As an agent, we have a responsibility to ensure that nothing breaks in the home, and most important, we don’t want your children to get hurt. 
  • Don’t turn on faucets, lights, the stove top, garbage disposal, garage door opener, etc. Just like at a store: If you break it, you buy it. If you are interested in owning the home, all of these items will be examined during the home inspection phase.  
  • Don’t take anything that’s not yours – do I really have to say this? Keep in mind that many homes have cameras in use these days. 
  • Don’t pick plants or fruits from the garden. Again, it’s a private residence. 
  • Don’t use the bathroom – anything could happen. One of my colleagues experienced a toilet that become backed up during a showing – it was embarrassing for all! 

I hope these tips will help you to have a more pleasant Open House experience the next time you are out and about around the neighborhood. Search this weekend’s Open Houses here. Happy house hunting!