Homebuyers have been showing increased interest in Hoakalei in recent years, as the “crown jewel” of Ewa Beach has seen an uptick in home sales and median prices this year.
The luxury golf course community is the highest- valued community on the Ewa Plain, with a median single-family home price of $789,000 and a median townhome price of $591,250. The median single-family home price for the Ewa Plain is $682,000, and the median condo price is $505,000.

Comprised of four neighborhoods, Ka Makana, Kuapapa, Lei Pauku and Kipuka, Hoakalei (which means “reflection of a lei” in Hawaiian) features resort-like amenities, including access to the Wai Kai lagoon — a sheltered swim cove with areas for kayaking, canoeing and paddle boarding — as well as pools, fitness centers and tennis courts. Hoakalei is surrounded by the private Ernie Els-designed golf course of the same name, affording many residences with sweeping views of the course.

“Homebuyers are drawn to Hoakalei for the larger, newer homes, central air-conditioning and fabulous amenities,” explains Locations Realtor-Associate® Denise Fisher, whose son is also a Hoakalei resident. Fisher adds that the community is popular with military homebuyers, too.
The first, and largest, phase of Hoakalei, Ka Makana, features townhomes and single-family homes, as well as an exclusive tennis facility, fitness club and pool. Executive-style single-family homes in Ka Makana offer golf course frontage. Sales of single-family homes in Ka Makana increased by 21 percent in the past year, while Ka Makana condo sales dipped 11 percent, at 17 sales compared to 19 the previous year.

Nearly all of the single-family homes in the Kipuka neighborhood feature golf course views. Residents of this neighborhood have access to a dedicated pool and spa, as well as a children’s play area. Kipuka has had 12 sales in the past year, an increase of 50 percent over the previous period.
On the eastern edge of the Hoakalei Country Club Golf Course, closest to the shoreline and the lagoon, the Kuapapa neighborhood offers the most variety of single family home styles and floor plans.There have been 23 sales in Kuapapa in the past year, an increase of 21 percent.
With a median price of $825,000, Kuapapa has had the most expensive homes in Hoakalei in the past year. Hoakalei’s newest, and smallest, neighborhood, Lei Pauku, is an enclave of island-inspired townhomes adjacent to Hoakalei Country Club Golf Course and the Ka Makana neighborhood. With just three sales this year, compared to five the previous year, the median price for Lei Pauku townhomes is $670,000 — an increase of four percent over the previous year.
There are currently 21 single-family homes and one townhome for sale in Hoakalei, ranging from $575,000 for an 1,100-squarefoot unit to $1,289,900 for a 2,545-square foot model home on the 7th green.
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