Comfort and Style in the Heart of Kakaako
Urban living is quickly becoming the "go-to" option for a lot of locals in the heart of Honolulu. With more than 4,000 new units being constructed in Oahu’s urban core, local residents are looking to neighborhoods like Kakaako for convenience and a shorter commute.
One project that stands out from the rest is Keauhou Place. Located on the Ewa side of Kakaako, Keauhou Place will be conveniently situated adjacent to the Civic Rail Station. Honolulu International Airport is a 13-minute ride away and Ala Moana Center is right next door.
View from the Honolulu Rail
The New Epicenter of Urban Culture
At ground level, you will feel the hustle and bustle of true urban living. But a short elevator ride away, in the comfort of your 25th floor apartment, you can gaze out at sunsets over Honolulu harbor. Keauhou Place offers all the amenities of typical condo living within the project, but it’s when you step off property where life at Keauhou Place truly begins.
Salt is Unlike Anything You've Seen Before on Oahu
Let me introduce you to Salt, the social, business, and cultural hub of west Kakaako. Named after the Paakai (Hawaiian word for “salt”) ponds that once littered the low-lying wetlands of the area, Salt will consist of roughly 85,000 square-feet of meticulously designed retail and restaurant space including local shops and eateries. “Let’s meet at Salt” will be a phrase you will become all too familiar with at Keauhou Place.
Living in Kakaako means convenience, walkability and bikeability, in addition to a true community feeling. It means being at the center of it all with easy access to local shops and restaurants, entertainment and the new Honolulu rail.
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