Pearl City Shopping Center Christmas ParadeDecember 1, 2013 from 4:00 – 6:00 PM This event is sponsored by the Pearl City Shopping Center and they expect to have 2,000 marchers, 30 vehicles and 10 floats. The parade starts at Momilani Elementary School, goes to Hookiekie St., and Hoomoana St., and Hoolaulea St. and ends at Pearl City Shopping Center. For more information contact George Cochard 593-1533, Fax: 593-0569, Email: Street Bikers United: Toys-For-Tots CaravanDecember 1, 2013 from 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM This event is sponsored by Street Bikers United Hawaii and they expect to have more than 6,000 motorcycles. The event starts at Magic Island, goes to Ala Moana Blvd., and Kalakaua Ave., and ends at Kapahulu Ave. Additional events are planned in the Kakaako area following the caravan. For more information contact Ray Pagan 282-6419, Email: 67th Annual Kaimuki Christmas ParadeDecember 5, 2013 from 6:00 – 8:00 PM This annual event is sponsored by the Kaimuki Business & Professional Association and they expect to have 1,500 marchers, 35 vehicles and five floats. The parade starts at St. Louis HS/Chaminade University grounds, goes to Waialae Ave., and Koko Head Ave., and ends at the Municipal Parking Lot. For more information contact Daniel Yokoo 739-5272 Email: Wahiawa Town Xmas ParadeDecember 6, 2013 from 6:30 – 8:30 PM This event is sponsored by the Wahiawa Community & Buisness Association and is expected to have 300 marchers, 10 vehicles, and two floats. The parade starts at Kaala Elementary School, goes to California Ave., and to North Cane St., and ends at Center St. For more information contact Elizabeth Smithe 621-7097, Email: Kaneohe Christmas ParadeDecember 7, 2013 from 9:00 – 11:00 AM This event is sponsored by the Kaneohe Christmas Parade Committee and they expect to have 1,800 marchers, 40 vehicles, 18 floats, and five bands. The events starts at Windward Mall at Haiku Rd., goes to Kamehameha Hwy., and to Kaneohe Bay Dr., and ends at Castle High School. For more information contact Anna Kuulei Richardson Olsen 348-2749 or 262-3323, Email: Waimanalo Christmas ParadeDecember 7, 2013 from 9:00 – 11:00 AM This event is sponsored by the Waimanalo Construction Coalition and they expect to have 120 marchers, four vehicles, four floats and two bands. The parade starts at Waimanalo District Park, goes to Hihimanu St., and to Kumuhau St., and to Humuniki St., and to Kalanianaole Hwy., and ends at Waimanalo Beach Park. For more information, contact Andrew Jamila, Jr. 690-2443 Email: Mililani Christmas ParadeDecember 7, 2013 from 9:00 – 10:30 AM This event is sponsored by the Mililani Shopping Center & Town Center of Mililani and they expect to have 1,500 marchers, 30 vehicles, 10 floats and two bands. The event starts at Town Center of Mililani near Longs/Theatres Parking Lot, goes to Lanikuhana Ave., and to Meheula Prkwy., and to Kuahelani St., and to Moenamanu St., and to Kipapa Dr., and ends at Mililani Shopping Center near Jack in the Box. For more information contact Marisa Masuda 722-6467, Email: Gentry Waipio Community Association Christmas ParadeDecember 7, 2013 from 10:00 – 11:30 AM This event is sponsored by the Gentry Waipio Community Association and they expect to have 800 marchers and 15 vehicles. The events starts at Gentry Waipio SC on Ukee St, near the Outback Steakhouse, goes to Ka Uka Blvd., and to Waipio Uka St., and ends at Gentry Waipio SC. For more information contact Sheryl Kaseli 671-2272, Fax: 671-0996, Email: Mayor’s Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony/ParadeDecember 7, 2013 from 4:00 – 11:00 PM This event is sponsored by the City and County of Honolulu and they expect to have 2,000 marchers, 40 floats and 15 vehicles. The event starts at Aala Park to King St., goes to kokohead on King St., and ends in closed off portion of King St., between Punchbowl & South Sts. For more information contact MOCA 768-6622 or Eddie Oi, Department of Customer Services 768-3499, Email: Haleiwa Town Christmas ParadeDecember 13, 2013 from 6:00 – 8:00 PM This event is sponsored by the North Shore Community Chamber of Commerce/Haleiwa Main Street and they expected to have 500 marchers, 45 vehicles, four floats and four bands. The event starts at Weed Circle, goes to Kamehameha Hwy., thru Haleiwa Town, and ends at Haleiwa Beach Park. For more information contact Candace Casados 637-4558 Fax: 637-4556, Email: Aiea Community Association Christmas ParadeDecember 14, 2013 from 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM This event is sponsored by the Aiea Community Association and they expect to have 200 marchers, 10 vehicles and two bands. The event starts at Pearlridge Elem School Parking lot , goes to Moanalua Rd., and to Kaamilo St., and to Ulune St., and to Halewiliko St., and ends at Aiea Sugar Mill Site. For more information contact Claire J. Tamamoto 429-1282, Fax: 946-8347 Waianae Coast Christmas ParadeDecember 14, 2013 from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM This event is sponsored by the Waianae Coast Rotary Club and they expect to have 1,000 marchers, 30 vehicles, 30 floats, five bands and three horse groups. The events starts at Waianae Boat Harbor, goes to Farrington Hwy., and ends at Waianae Mall. For more information contact Anson O. Rego 696-7061, Fax: 696-7765, Email: Waipahu Christmas ParadeDecember 14, 2013 from 2:00 – 4:00 PM This event is sponsored by the Leeward Oahu Lions Club and they expect to have 10 vehicles. The event starts at Waipahu District Park at Paiwa St., goes to Farrington Hwy., and to Pupukahi St., and to Waipahu St., and to Leoku St., and ends at Leolua St. behind Waipahu Town Center. For more information contact Virginia Padayhag 621-7216, Email: West Oahu Electric Light ParadeDecember 14, 2013 from 6:00 – 8:00 PM This event is sponsored by the Friends of Kapolei Hale/C&C Honolulu and they expect to have 25 vehicles, three floats and four bands. The event starts at Kamaaha St./Kapolei Parkway, goes north half, west on Kapolei Parkway, and past Fort Barrette Rd., and right onto Wakea St., and left onto Haumea and finish. For more information contact Misty Kela'i 768-6622, Fax: 768-4215, Email: Olomana Christmas ParadeDecember 15, 2013 from 2:30 – 3:30 PM This event is sponsored by the Olomana Community Association and they expect to have 30+ marchers, 10 vehicles and seven floats. The event starts at Maunawili Elementary School, goes to Ulupii St., and to Ulupuni St., and to Uluohao St., and to Uluhala St., and to Ulupuni St., and to Ulukou St., and ends at Maunawili Elem School. For more information call Leslie Kobayashi 541-1331, Fax: 541-1386, Email: Ewa Beach Lions Club Christmas ParadeDecember 21, 2013 from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM This event is sponsored by the Ewa Beach Lions Club and they expect to have 1,200 marchers, 80 vehicles, 12 floats and two bands. The event starts at Ilima Intermediate School Parking Lot, goes to Ft. Weaver Rd., and to Kuhina St., and to Hanakahi St., and to North Rd., and to Ft. Weaver Rd., and ends at Ilima Intermediate School Parking Lot. For more information contact Sam Fisk 685-3693, Fax: 685-1444, Email: Manoa Community Christmas ParadeDecember 21, 2013 from 5:00 – 7:00 PM This event is sponsored by the East Manoa Lions Club and they expect to have 1,100 marchers, 12 vehicles and five bands. The event starts at Noelani School., goes to Woodlawn Dr, and to Kolowalu St., and to East Manoa Rd., and to Lowrey Ave., and to Manoa Rd., and ends at Manoa Park. For more information contact Garrett Ogawa 271-1431, Email: |
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