August is officially here, and if you're looking for some family fun in Hawaii Kai this month, look no further! Our Neighborhood Experts compiled a list of Hawaii Kai's best events this month - from volunteering at the bay to adopting a duck!
Hawaii Kai Towne Center
Marina Farmer’s Market
7:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. | Every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday
Find locally grown produce at the Hawaii Kai Towne Center’s Farmer’s Market, located behind Panda express, along the marina. For more information, click here.
9 - 10 a.m. | Every Monday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday or 6 - 7 p.m. | Every Tuesday and Wednesday
Dance your cares away with the whole family at a Zumba class this month! Classes are located in front of the stage between Panda Express and Starbucks. Each class is $7 per person, $30 for a group of 5, or $60 for a group of 10. For more information, click here.
Duck Dash Rotary Club
9 a.m. – 3 p.m. | August 18-19
Adopt a duck for the Rotary Club of Hawaii Kai’s annual Duck Dash Sept. 29. Look for the sign-up station located in the breezeway between Panda Express and Maile’s Thai Bistro. For more information, click here.
Mele on the Marina Festival
3 – 8 p.m. | Saturday, August 25th
The annual three-part summer series concludes in August with live music by The Makaha Sons, food, and entertainment at the Towne Center’s Marina Docks. Halau Na Maka O Ka Laua’e kicks off the festival at 3 p.m., followed by musician Mike Tulba. Makaha Sons, takes the stage at 6 p.m Families are welcome to this free community event to celebrate music and local culture. For more information, click here.
Koko Marina Center
Honolulu Family Magazine’s Cover Kids Search 2019
10 a.m. – 1 p.m. | Sat., Aug. 18
Honolulu Family Magazine is hosting its Annual Cover Kids Search for local keiki ages one to 12 years old. Enjoy activities, games and giveaways at this free event!
For more information on these events, click here.
Maunalua Bay, Kuliouou Beach Park, 100 Bay St.
Community Huki with Disney VoluntEars
9 a.m. – noon | Wednesday, August 1st
Join Malama Maunalua for a community huki with the Disney VoluntEars. Learn more about the problems facing the Bay and how this non-profit stewardship organization works to conserve and restore the Bay’s environment. Help to remove the invasive alien algae in nearshore waters.
Community Huki with Blue Zones Project
9 a.m. – noon | Saturday, August 25th
Join Malama Maunalua for the last community huki of August with Blue Zones Project. The Blue Zones Project is a national initiative to help communities improve overall community health and quality of life.
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