On February 2, 2012 Prudential Locations celebrated their 42nd year in business at the Halekulani Hotel. Over 200 awards were presented to honor the agents and their accomplishments in sales, client service, and in the community through the Locations Foundation.
The theme of this year’s awards banquet was “Pirates of Prudential.” The agents, managers, and staff all celebrated in the piratey theme. The banquet began with this very special and fun video starring some of the hustling Pirates of Prudential.
The video included the 2012 Prudential Locations Salesperson of the Year & Agent with Most Transactions Brandon Lau, Rookie of the Year Tamlyn Toyama, Outstanding Achievement Award winner Megan Tune, President’s Circle & Client Service award winners Kengo Ueno & Bob Cowan and Client Service award winner Kristin Mukai.
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