We devoted the month of August to the leeward city of Kapolei - the booming West Oahu community home to nearly 40,000 residents.
During the month of August we shared the following:
- Kapolei Vibe - lifestyle, available real estate, weather and things to do and see around Kapolei
- Kapolei Demographics - a look at the residents, income, home value and more
- Kapolei Market Snapshot, August 2014 - a deep dive into the real estate market of Kapolei
- Kapolei: A Historic Overview - the history of Kapolei and an overview of home prices from 1977 to present day
We also shared four #WhereAreWeWednesday photos:
- #WhereAreWeWednesday - Kapo Statue
- #WhereAreWeWednesday - iTrampoline Hawaii
- #WhereAreWeWednesday - Disney's Aulani Resort and Spa
- #WhereAreWeWednesday - Wet'n'Wild Hawaii
We asked our readers to tell us where in Kapolei each of the #WhereAreWeWednesday photos were taken every week, and we entered each incorrect answer once and each correct answer twice into our monthly drawing. For the month of August, we are giving away a $30 gift certificate to Monkeypod Kitchen in Ko Olina.
Our lucky July #WhereAreWeWednesday winner is Mituho Miroku! She answered via Facebook. Congratulations!
Please email social@pruhawaii.com with your address and we will mail you your prize!
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