Perfect sunsets. Warm turquoise ocean waters. World class surfing. Gorgeous, windswept sandy beaches. This is Hawaii. Would you like a piece of paradise? Hawaii has seen her fair share of visitors, from Pacific Islanders to the Europeans and Americans… over time the world discovered Hawaii's natural beauty, and over time investors discovered the lucrative beauty in Hawaii's real estate market. So who’s really investing in Oahu real estate? Which country has the largest draw to our warm sandy shores? Internationally, in 2012, the largest investor in Oahu's real estate market was Japan with over $168 million. Coming in a distance second was Canada with $37 million, followed by China at $11.8 million and then Australia with $9.6 million and rounding off the top five with Hong Kong at $6.5 million. Domestically, California leads the nation with real estate investments in Oahu totaling $251.6 million in 2012, followed by Texas at $54.6 million, then Washington at $51.3 million and NY at $22.9 million and Virginia rounds off the top five at $22.1 million. Both internationally and domestically, the majority of the investment capital on Oahu is in the metro region. Leading the charge internationally and domestically is Japan at $161.3 million and California $176.7 million. As the capitol of Hawaii, and with limited land and an ever-growing population, Oahu's real estate prices tend to double every ten years, making it the perfect place to invest and enjoy your vacation. Looking at longer trends, the real estate market recovery on Oahu is firmly under way. The number of sales has increased steadily since bottoming out in 2009, and median prices have shown two years of steady increase. For more information about the markets you're interested in, please feel free to give me a call, I specialize in foreign investment on Oahu. |
Toan Doran (R) PartnerToan Doran REALTOR is a licensed real estate broker and Partner at Prudential Locations LLC in Honolulu. Website: |
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