In my humble opinion, selling a home, even in a seller's market requires enlisting the professional services of a real estate agent and licensed REALTORS® have training to guide you through the process to a smooth and successful closing. What may seem like an easily marketable and salable home often requires a skilled agent’s advice to avoid costly mistakes down the road. It’s not uncommon when after meeting with a seller for a potential listing; I help uncover other options, potential pitfalls, tax implications, needed repairs or improvements, and more. About six months ago, I worked with a couple who wanted to sell their home in Manoa quickly. While I was excited to help, after doing hours of research on the property, I discovered that selling their home at that time may incur unexpected capital gains tax, and I advised them to seek guidance from their CPA. Unaware this could be an outcome; the seller’s hadn’t planned on meeting with their CPA prior to selling their home. Upon my recommendation, they scheduled an appointment, and sure enough, after the meeting the estimated capital gains tax was $13,000.00!! Needless to say, the sellers were very so grateful to me for bringing this to their attention. We created a plan where they wouldn't incur this tax and are currently proceeding with the sale. Buying or selling your home is probably one of the biggest financial investments of your life, and finding and choosing a skilled real estate agent can truly be daunting. While most people start out by asking for referrals from friends and family, others start their search online relying on the recommendations and testimonials of others. Once you get a recommendation, make an appointment to meet with the agent. This is your opportunity to see if the REALTOR® and their brokerage are the right fit for your needs. Find out what/if any prep work the agent has done with your property, recent sales in the area, the marketing plan, and process for getting the home sold. For my clients, I take it one-step further and have escrow provide an estimated net proceed document that breaks down all of the escrow fees, commissions, mortgage payoff amounts and more. The objective is transparency. The seller should be aware of approximate costs and net profit BEFORE they list with an agent. This meeting is also an excellent time for sellers to ask the REALTOR® for testimonials from past clients and their contact information. It’s also good to find out how active the agent is in regards to sales – Is this a hobby or a full-time career. Hawaii – the Ohana StateHawaii is about Ohana. Our culture can make us feel obligated to use a friend, relative or friend of a friend. Beware, as I always tell my clients there are many REALTORS® on the island and every agent runs their business differently and provides a different level of service to their clients. To give you an example, look at the chart provided by Prudential Locations depicting just how many agents are actively selling. The truth is quite alarming. A whopping 41 percent of "active agents" have NOT made a sale, while ONLY 8 percent have closed 10-plus transactions. You shouldn’t feel obligated to work with your "aunty" just because she has a license, especially if the level of service is not to your expectation. It behooves you to see not only what the real estate agent can do, but also the company and firm representing you. A frantic seller recently called me asking why her current REALTOR®hadn’t put a single picture up on the MLS. While I couldn't do much for her since she was already in contract with another brokerage firm, I did kindly explain the absolute minimums that Prudential Locations and I offer seller's when listing their home. These include:
This seller was shocked. She admitted that her current REALTOR® didn't invest that much time or effort into selling her home. When necessary, I even take it upon myself to help the seller physically de-clutter, clean and shop for staging items specific to their home. I take great pride and responsibility for each listing no matter what the price point or location, as I know that my name and that of Prudential Locations is on the table. If I can be of help listing and selling your home, please contact me for a detailed proposal. |
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Kendra Okihiro (RA)Prudential Locations, Diamond Head 614 Kapahulu Avenue, Suite 200 Honolulu HI 96815 Office: (808) 735-4200 Office Fax: (808) 732-5096 Direct Line: (808) 484-3317 Mobile: (808) 258-5950 Email: |
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