The Holidays are upon us, and there’s only a few shopping days left before Santa makes his magical journey on Christmas Eve, so if you’re looking for a few last minute gifts, or trying to find something unique for that tech-savvy loved one, here are some exceptional high-tech home devices that are sure to delight and amaze on Christmas morn’.
Nest ProtectRetail: $129 “You don’t have to swing a towel at it.” Nest Protect made something new, an unannoying carbon dioxide and smoke alarm. Saturday morning breakfast will never be the same! No more barking dogs, crying children or swinging towels! The burnt-bacon alarm, or low-battery chip warning are things of the past! Nest Protect lights up yellow and speaks in a human voice giving you warning when carbon monoxide levels rise or smoke is present. If everything is A-OK, just wave your hand at the alarm. Added bonus! Nest Protect will text you if the smoke or carbon monoxide alarm goes off. Great idea for vacation properties!
Husqvarna Solar Robotic MowerRetail: $2995 Imagine relaxing on a Sunday afternoon, sipping lemonade while someone else mows your lawn. The Husqvarna Solar Robotic Mower is the world’s first fully automatic lawn mower that is partly powered by the sun. Perfect for our sunny Sundays in Hawaii! Mowing the lawn no longer requires killer triceps! This energy saving mower does all the work for you, much like a Roomba for your grass.
Ecovacs WinbotRetail: $339 Say good-bye to old fashioned window washing! Let Winbot do the work. This revolutionary window washer has a built-in squeegee for wiping and a second cleaning pad for drying. Clean all your windows, glass doors, mirrors and more with the touch of a button. Four easy steps…1) turn the robot on, 2) place it on the window, 3) press start, and 4) sit back and relax.
SmartThingsRetail: $299 SmartThings connects the things in your physical world to the Internet. You can monitor, control and automate them from anywhere – on holidays, at the office, on the go or at home. With the integrated SmartApps, you can control your AC, lights, fans, heaters and disco ball from your mobile device. Monitor drawers and cabinets that contain precious or dangerous items, delay the sprinklers when it’s raining, get notified immediately if your dog runs out of the yard without you, get an early warning when there’s a leak. Think about all the things in your home: doors, desks, lights, stereo, pet food bowls, and basement floors. Isn’t it time they started chipping in? SmartThings makes it possible. The kit includes: Two open/close, vibration and temperature sensors, two presence sensors, one Jasco Light & Appliance Plug-and-Control Power Outlet, one SmartThings Hub, and one motion sensor.
GarageioRetail: $129 Isn't it about time your garage was as smart as the rest of your world? Garageio is the simple and secure way to control and monitor your garage door from anywhere in the world, without replacing your existing garage door opener. Give access to your close friends and family and see who is accessing your garage and when. The install time on Garageio to your existing door opener is low, at about 15 minutes.
iGrillminiRetail: $39.99 The iGrillmini is an ultra-compact digital cooking probe that connects to your mobile device via Bluetooth. Track the progression of what you’re cooking with the Smart LED. Magnetically mount the iGrillmini to your grill or smoker and choose from two viewing angles. Have a smoker or grill that isn’t magnet friendly, the device comes with a magnetic disk. Monitor multiple iGrillminis at once within the app, graph your temperature progression, set custom min./max. temperature alarms and check out other iGrill creations from around the world, or share yours on Facebook and Twitter. iGrillmini uses Bluetooth 4.0, and has 150 hours battery life. |
Heather AriasStaff Writer |
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