Looking for some great events around Kailua during the holiday season? We've got some great ideas! Castle Medical Center Tree Lighting Ceremony and Light Up KailuaDecember 4, 2013 from 6:15 - 8:30 PM The 28th annual Castle Medical Center Tree Lighting program takes place on December 4. This year is bound to be extra-special as Castle Medical Center celebrates its 50th anniversary. The tree lighting is the first festive sign that officially ushers in the holiday season to Kailua.
Light Up KailuaDecember 4 - 27 Don’t forget the Kailua Chamber of Commerce’s “Light Up Kailua” competition. Light up your windows, store or mix up a little holiday cheer and you’ll have a chance to be named the Light Up Kailua Champion. Last year’s winner in the Business Decoration Category was Picket Fence, while Mary Weisman was the winner in the Patron Category. For more information about this year’s contest, contact erin@kailuachamber.com. Kailua Town Christmas Open HouseDecember 5, 2013 – all day Get into the holiday spirit by visiting your favorite Kailua retailers and strolling down Kailua town’s festive streets. Hawaii's best artisans are creating their wares right before your eyes, providing gift wrapping, offering special holiday discounts, and providing pupus, libations and live music. For more information, contact Jackie Smythe at sasshawaii@hawaii.rr.com.
Lanikai Christmas Craft FairLanikai Park, corner of Aalapapa and Kaiolena, Kailua December 7 from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Made in Hawaii Crafts from the best local crafters! Art, jewelry, photography, ceramics, clothing, woodworking, plants, food and fun!
The Kailua Holiday Open HouseDecember 12, 2013 from 5:00 PM until whenever! Bonnie Madigan (owner) started it at Under a Hula Moon eight years ago and since then lots of stores have enjoyed joining in on the fun. Under a Hula Moon will be serving martinis, wine and pupups and the entire store is 10 percent off. Sand People usually serves champagne and black velvet cupcakes. Lanikai Bath and Body takes part, so does Mary Z’s and usually Red Bamboo, Island Treasures and Global Village. It’s a great night and a fun event, most of the stores offer discounts, pupus and drinks. For more information, contact Bonnie Madigan at Under a Hula Moon at hulamoonbonnie@yahoo.com or (808) 261-4252. |
Corinda S. WongREALTOR, PartnerCRS, GRI, SRES Fax: (808) 263-7707 |
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