If you’re looking for peaceful evening walks around the neighborhood and the occasional rain to keep your garden green and lush, then Maunawili is your cup of tea. Located on the Windward side of Oahu, nestled between the Olomana and Koolau mountains, and steeped with Hawaiian legend and history, this closely-knit community has a reputation for its quiet demeanor and cooler climate. Maunawili (just under 3,000 people call this small community home) is comprised of single-family residences and a small cluster of townhomes in Crater Valley. There’s a handful of schools and churches, a golf course - even a horse stable…it’s really the idyllic, sleepy Hawaiian town. There are no commercial establishments in Maunawili, but if you’re hankering for a bite to eat or to stroll through some local shops, Kailua town is an easy five-minute drive with Metro Honolulu about 20 minutes away. The beauty of Maunawili resides in its location and scenery. Kailua/Lanikai Beaches are only five-minutes away and the tropical foothills of the Koolau mountain range offer many scenic hikes through lush greenscapes – many climbing to spectacular views of Kailua and the surrounding beaches. Maunawili also serves as the trailhead for one of Oahu’s most popular and famous hikes, and my personal favorite, Maunawili Falls, a fairly easy three-mile trail along Maunawili Stream up to Maunawili Falls. The falls are a great place to relax, swim or enjoy a picnic. Maunawili unquestionably, is great place to raise a family or settle when the kids have moved out. Either way, it’s a perfect place for your piece of paradise. Click here for a current list of Maunawili homes for sale. Corinda Wong and her husband Barry enoying an afternoon at Maunawili Falls.
Maunawili Sales Statistics 2013 Q1 and Q2From January 1, 2013 to September 30, 2013, 13 homes have sold and the median price is hovering around $1,000,000. That’s up from the six total homes sold in 2012 with a much lower median price of $850,000. The average price per square foot for the first half of 2013 is $461, the average days on market is 25 and the average percent of list price sellers are getting is 100%. |
Corinda S. WongREALTOR, PartnerCRS, GRI, SRES Fax: (808) 263-7707 |
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