Is your home market ready? Will it make a great first impression to potential buyers? I’ve helped many people prepare their homes – here’s a few items to consider before putting your home on the market. Timeline – If there’s not too much that needs to be done, an average timeline based on my experience is about one month. However, if there are larger items such as roof repair, termite damage or items that require a professional, it may take longer. ChecklistLet’s walk the property – When I first meet with a homeowner, I like to walk the property and identify the areas of improvement that will enhance the overall appearance and any repairs that need to be addressed. Compile the List – After we walk the property, I work with you to compile two lists based on our notes. The first, is your To Do list, and the second list is for contractors or vendors. We review in detail which items you can, and want to, handle versus items that need to be handled by a professional. Get Quotes – I have an extensive list of reputable vendors and contractors, so once we’ve determined what is needed, I’ll put you in touch with a professional who can provide you with a quote. Determine a Budget – We review what you’re hoping to get from the sale of your home and the cost of repairs; this helps determine your budget for improvements. If budget is a concern, consider what your home will sell for as is – with some serious decluttering and a really, good deep cleaning. Then we add repair items one by one, starting with the most important until we’ve arrived at a budget that works for you. Declutter and Clean – You want potential buyers to picture this as their home. That means no clutter. Remove knickknacks and all personal items/photos, straighten bookcases and clean. The yard is the first thing most buyers see, so make sure it’s manicured and clean any lanais and patio furniture. Schedule – One of the many services I provide for my clients when listing their home is a calendar with a timeline for every step of the process. Minor Repair List for Homeowner
Corinda S. WongREALTOR, PartnerCRS, GRI, SRES Fax: (808) 263-7707 |
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