Prudential Locations Wins Two Koa Hammer Certificates at the Hawai‘i Chapter Koa Anvil Awards
We are excited to announce that Prudential Locations received two awards on Friday, July 25, at the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) – Hawai‘i Chapter Koa Anvil Awards.
Prudential Locations was awarded two Koa Hammer certificates. The first for creative tactics for the Breakfast of Champions event and the second for internal video, Bill Chee: A Leader, a Visionary, A Legacy. The Koa Hammer certificate recognizes outstanding public relations tactics based on creativity, quality of production, persuasiveness of content, technical excellence and appropriateness for the declared audience.
Linh DePledge, vice president of marketing, accepting the awards with Huy Vo (PRSA Hawai‘i chapter president) and Monica Salter and Emma Wo (Bennet Group Strategic Communications)
The Breakfast of Champions
Our first award was the Koa Hammer Certificate in creative tactics for Prudential Locations Breakfast of Champions. To win in the Creative Tactics category, you must demonstrate an unconventional or creative approach to your public relations campaign. The Breakfast of Champions event was first held in 2013 after Prudential Locations was voted #1 - Hawaii’s Best Real Estate Company by the readers of the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. What makes this award so special is that it's based on votes from those who matter most – our customers. To thank our friends, family and clients for voting us #1, we teamed up with Side Street Inn on Da Strip to give away over 500 free fried rice breakfasts. We had so much fun that we did it again in 2014!
Photos from the 2013 Breakfast of Champions Event
Bill Chee: A Leader, a Visionary, a Legacy.
The second award we received was the Koa Hammer Certificate in internal video programs for Prudential Locations --Congratulations Bill Chee: Lifetime Achievement Video. In 2013, Hawaii Business Magazine awarded our CEO, Bill Chee, with the first ever Lifetime Achievement Award in Real Estate. Bill has always been a leader and a visionary in Hawaii’s real estate industry, and he continues to innovate to this day. Bill told Hawaii Business Magazine, "In this business, if you reflect backward, it’s just simply the wrong direction to look. Things are changing all the time. Customers are changing all the time. If you look back and wish it were that way again, you can’t survive."
We created the video below to congratulate him on the Lifetime Achievement Award, entitled "Bill Chee: A Leader, a Visionary, a Legacy."
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