Quantcast Must Know Tips for Locations Free Fried Rice Event | Locations

Must Know Tips for Locations Free Fried Rice Event

Hawaiis Best 2016

How does it Work?

We will set up a drive-thru in the parking lot next to our headquarters on 614 Kapahulu Avenue.  Drive down Kapahulu, follow all the employees and agent signs outside, let us hand you a cup of Side Street Inn on Da Strip's Famously delicious Fried Rice, and ride off into the sunrise.  

What time to Arrive

The event starts at 7:00 AM for all of you early risers and runs until 8:30 AM.  Why so early?  Because free breakfast is the BEST way to start off your Friday!  Be sure to get there as early as you can, we have a limited supply of fried rice and want to make sure you get some! 

Do you need a Car? 

No!  If you're in the surrounding area or Waikiki feel free to walk up and get some rice.  It's set up for cars to pull in and out but all are welcome.  

How to get There

The Location is pointed out below.  Click here to see it on Google Maps and get directions on your phone.  

What is the Best Route to Take?

Coming from H1/Date Street

Coming from H1 down Kapahulu Avenue towards Waikiki is the ideal way to get your fried rice.  Turn right at the light past the Locations/Side Street Inn building then make an immediate left.  Don't worry, there will be A LOT of Locations employees out to say Mahalo, and we'll have signs telling you where to go if you're even a little bit confused.  

Here are some mapped out directions to show you how the flow of cars will work from that direction.

Coming from Waikiki

Since you cannot make a left on Campbell Avenue, you'll have to drive up a block and make a U-turn at Snorkel Bobs.  Here are the directions on how to do that.  Should only add 2-3 minutes to your trip. Again, when in doubt, follow the Locations agents in employees in the blue shirts with the big signs!  

We Can't Wait to See You!

This is our chance to say Mahalo for voting us Hawaii's Best!  Please stop by and invite anybody and everybody you can think of, this event is for you!