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Our Kine Recipes

Locations Cookbook

In the 1980s, Locations agents shared their favorite recipes with their clients in the Our Kine Cookin' cookbook.

Just in time for all your holiday cooking and baking needs, here are some of our favorite recipes from Locations agents who are still part of the Locations 'ohana today!

Bill Chee's Ox Tail Soup

bill chee

  • 2 trays ox tail   
  • 2 stalks green onion 
  • 2 stalks celery 
  • 2 crushed garlic cloves 
  • ½ cup whiskey 
  • 1 bunch Chinese parsley  
  • 1 tsp MSG 
  • dry orange peel (2 small pieces) 
  • ½ cup blanched raw peanuts 
  • 3 slices crushed ginger 
  • salt to taste 
  • winter melon 

Parboil ox tail and drain. Add all ingredients except Chinese parsley, winter melon and peanuts. Boil for about 5 hours then add winter melon slices and peanuts and boil for another hour. Remove celery and green onion. Serve with Chinese parsley and chopped green onion garnish. Great with rice. Also good with shoyu and grated ginger sauce.

Jo Fraiser's Gingerbread

bill chee

Cream together by hand: 

  • 1 cup brown sugar 
  • ½ cup lard or oleo 
  • 1 egg 
  • 1¼ cup dark molasses 

To 1 cup hot water, add 1½ tsp soda, l tsp cinnamon, ¼ tsp cloves, ¼ tsp nutmeg and l½ tsp ginger and mix well. Add this liquid mixture and 2½ cups flour, sifted, alternately to the creamed mixture. Mix well by hand. Pour into a greased and floured 9x11-inch pan and bake at 350 degrees for 45-50 minutes. Serve warm with whipped cream. 

Wayne Nishida's Portuguese Soup

wayne soup

  • 2 packages of ham hocks or Farmer John Ham 
  • 2 large bay leaves 
  • 7-10 peppercorns  
  • 2 cans of kidney beans  
  • 2 Portuguese sausages, chopped in quarters (remove outer skin before chopping) 
  • 2 (8 oz.) cans of tomato sauce  
  • 1 large can of stewed tomatoes (chop fine) 
  • 3-4 carrots, cubed  
  • 3-4 potatoes, quartered 
  • 1-2 onions, coarsely chopped 

    In a large kettle, cover the ham hocks completely with water. Add bay leaves and peppercorns. Simmer until meats are almost tender. Add kidney beans and Portuguese sausages. Simmer until tender. Add tomato sauce and stewed tomatoes. Simmer until meats begin to shred. Add carrots, potatoes and onions. Cook until almost fork tender. Stir soup occasionally so that contents cook evenly. Optional: add watercress and let soup set a while before serving. Makes 10 servings.

    Jim More's Fudge

    jim more

    • 6 oz. milk chocolate chips
    • 1 can Eagle brand sweetened milk 
    • 1½ tsp vanilla
    • pinch of salt
    • 1 cup chopped nuts

    Melt chocolate chips in top of double boiler. Remove from heat and add milk, vanilla, saltt and nuts. Stir until smooth. Turn into an 8x11-inch square buttered pan.