Storm damage claim form
Did you experience storm-related damage due to proximity to city-maintained streams or ditches that may have been overloaded and/or failed during recent storms and flooding in East Oahu?
If so, the City and County of Honolulu has made available a claim form for property damage or injuries caused by storm damage to city-maintained areas. In addition to this completed form, you'll need to submit photos of storm damage or injury, invoices for repair estimates or medical bills, a copy of your insurance card (for vehicle damage) and a police report number (if any).
The following claim form instructions were provided by Rep. Mark J. Hashem:
- Complete one original application either in black ink or typed and attach all original invoices/statements/insurance paperwork for submission.
- Submit two (2) duplicate copies of application and all invoices.
- Make a fourth set of copies for your records.
- Submit form as soon as all repairs or paperwork are complete; the city has up to two years to process.
- Those with insurance coverage should go through the insurance process first (including paying your deductible, completing repairs).
- Insurance companies will go after the city for reimbursement of payments and push to recover the homeowner's deductible fee.
Temporary dump sites for storm debris
The City and County of Honolulu has provided two roll-off dumpster bins for residents to dispose of any items damaged by the storms. The dumpsters are located at the Hawaii Kai Park and Ride Facility and Kawaikui Beach Park (at the bottom of Hawaii Loa Ridge).
Residents can drop off damaged items until Friday, April 20. Regular bulky-item pickup will begin on April 23 for Aina Haina, and April 25 for Niu Valley to Hawaii Kai.
Residents in these areas will not be cited for bulky materials that are set out early.
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