As a new school year approaches, it's time for parents and caregivers to check their supply lists and click "add to cart." But, for many families in need across Oahu who can't afford to purchase new supplies this year, students will have to make do with worn-out or hand-me-down items, or no supplies at all.
That's why, 23 years ago, the Locations Foundation launched its annual Backpack to School initiative to provide brand-new backpacks stuffed with school supplies to less fortunate students in our communities. Since 2001, the Foundation has donated thousands of backpacks filled with paper, pencils and more, to nonprofit organizations that serve local children.
“Backpack to School gives keiki in need the opportunity to start the new school year on the right foot,” said Devin Minardi, Realtor-Associate at Locations and Foundation Advisory Board member. "This year, we'll provide 500 students with a brand-new backpack full of school supplies. It's a small gift, but we hope that it can make a big difference for children in need this school year,” Minardi added.
How to Give to Backpack to School
Drop-off locations
Locations clients and members of the community who would like to donate to Backpack to School are invited to drop-off new supplies (see list below) at following Locations sites during business hours (Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) from Monday, July 1 to Friday, July 12.
- Diamond Head: 614 Kapahulu Ave. #300
- Kapolei: 91-590 Farrington Hwy. #135
- Pearlridge: 98-161 Kaonohi St.
- Any Locations Open House on Sunday, July 7, 2024
What supplies are needed?
- 1" binders
- Folder paper, wide rule
- Composition books, wide rule
- Colored pencils (12 pack)
- Crayola crayons (24 pack)
- Pens, black and red
- Highlighters, yellow
- #2 pencils
- Erasers, white
- Glue sticks
- Rulers
Mahalo for helping us to meet our goal of 500 backpacks!
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