Locations Foundation and BBBS Team up to Support After School Mentoring Programs
Last week the Locations Foundation awarded Big Brothers Big Sisters Hawaii with a grant of $10,000 to support after school mentoring programs. It costs roughly $2,000 to make and support each one-to-one mentoring match, so this grant will help change the lives of five at-risk youth for the better, forever.
Corinda Wong and Wade Uehara presented the organization with a check at the Ali'iolani Elementary School-Based Mentoring Program, which is 1 of 22 BBBS after school mentoring programs in the state. In this program, Big Brothers Big Sisters Hawaii pairs at-risk children in one-to-one friendships with mentors from nearby high schools. The child and mentor interact weekly in hour-long sessions under the supervision of a Case Manager for the duration of the school year. Mentors assist with homework and then participate in carefully-planned activities designed to deepen trust and friendship between pairs.
Mentoring Provides a Positive Influence for At-Risk Keiki
The mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters Hawaii is to provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better, forever. By matching at-risk youth with positive role models, they help children avoid risky behavior such as abusing drugs and alcohol, joining a gang, or becoming pregnant; achieve educational success by encouraging and motivating kids to do better and stay in school; and develop higher aspirations and hope for their futures by exposing children to a variety of new experiences and opportunities.
This has a positive impact on the community at-large as the children have higher rates of staying in school, graduating, and pursuing higher education; treating their schoolmates and family members in a more caring way; and becoming more confident and productive members of the community. The goal at Big Brothers Big Sisters Hawaii is to foster successful mentoring relationships for all children who need and want them - preventing the need for direct intervention services or incarceration later in the child's life and contributing to better schools, stronger communities, and a brighter future for all of Hawaii.
Helping Oahu one Life at a Time
Locations Foundation and Big Brothers, Big Sisters Hawaii are committed to helping at-risk keiki across the state grow up with positive influences and role models in their lives. Building a better future for Hawaii starts with our youth, and our organizations will continue to provide assistance to the kids that need it most.
Corinda S. WongREALTOR, PartnerCRS, GRI, SRES email: Corinda.Wong@LocationsHawaii.com |
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