Quantcast Locations Foundation Partners with Hawaii 3Rs at Lanakila Elementary | Locations

Locations Foundation Partners with Hawaii 3Rs at Lanakila Elementary

At Locations, we believe in the power of community and helping to create bright futures for tomorrow's leaders, and there’s no better way to show that commitment than through action. On a sunny fall morning, our Locations Foundation volunteers had the privilege of partnering with Hawaii 3R’s to give Lanakila Elementary School in Honolulu a much-needed facelift. Together, they painted the school’s parking lot and walkways, brightening up the campus and creating a welcoming space for students, teachers and staff.

A Day of Service at Lanakila Elementary

Foundation volunteers arrived at the public school ready to roll up their sleeves and get to work. Lanakila Elementary, located in the heart of Honolulu, has long been a pillar of the community, and we were honored to contribute to its upkeep. With brushes and rollers in hand, volunteers got to work painting the parking lot lines and sprucing up the walkways that see hundreds of little feet every day.

The project was more than just a physical task; it was an opportunity to give back to the keiki and educators who shape Hawaii’s future. As the layers of fresh paint dried, it was clear that the effort would have a lasting impact on the campus, brightening the school grounds and bringing a renewed sense of pride.

"Supporting public schools is an investment in the future," said Locations Foundation Advisory Board member Jay Miller, of Hawai'i Mortgage Group. "When students walk onto a well-maintained campus, it shows them that their education matters. Through partnerships like this one with Hawaii 3R’s, the Locations Foundation continues to uphold our mission of supporting the communities we serve."

Mahalo to our Locations Foundation Volunteers

Every brushstroke and every helping hand contributes to a better tomorrow for Hawaii’s children. Mahalo to all our volunteers and partners for making this day of service at Lanakila Elementary a success, including Locations agents, employees, affiliate employees and their family members: Christy KimCory TsudaDerrick Yamane, Gavin Baer, Jay Miller, Kiki King, Nancy Nguyen and Tim Bui.

About Hawaii 3R’s

Hawaii 3R’s, which stands for "Repair, Remodel, Restore," is a nonprofit organization that has been transforming Hawaii’s public schools since its founding in 2001 by the late U.S. Senator Daniel K. Inouye. With nearly 500 completed projects under their belt, Hawaii 3R’s has made a significant impact across the state, helping to refresh and revitalize nearly every public school. Their dedication has not only improved learning environments but has also saved the state more than $40 million in labor costs through community partnerships and volunteerism.