Quantcast Locations Foundation Partners with HUGS for Annual Celebration of Life Event | Locations

Locations Foundation Partners with HUGS for Annual Celebration of Life Event

On a Sunday morning in September, Locations Foundation volunteers proudly partnered with HUGS (Help, Understanding & Group Support) to support their annual Celebration of Life event at Sunset Ranch on Oahu’s North Shore.

This heartfelt event brought together 26 families who have experienced the loss of a HUGS child to share stories, honor memories and find comfort in the presence of others who have walked a similar path. The serene surroundings of Sunset Ranch set the perfect backdrop for this meaningful day. Families were invited to plant a tree in the Memorial Garden in remembrance of their loved ones, a tradition graciously offered by the ranch’s owner. The Locations Foundation team assisted with serving lunch, coordinating activities and helping families to plant trees.

Locations Foundation volunteers included Jennifer Li, Priscilla Wassman, Fred Ushijima, Tom Mukai, Dancetta Feary, Bernadette Hanna, Cindy Fullmer, Robyn Kauka, Jo Ann Foulkes, Megumi Nekotani and Dan Padua. Everyone played a crucial role in making the day a success, but a special mention goes to Dancetta, who spent two months preparing Monarch butterflies for the families to release in honor of their loved ones. It was a beautiful and poignant moment that touched everyone in attendance.

This year, we were especially grateful that Locations President and CEO Corbett Kalama attended the event. Corbett visited the memorial garden, shared his personal thoughts and experiences with HUGS families and offered a moving blessing. Maureen Purington, Executive Director of HUGS, noted, “Corbett's blessing connected his heart to our families and theirs to his. We all shared a very beautiful moment together."

This gathering holds a special place in the hearts of our Foundation volunteers. Year after year, many return to help support this incredible cause. It is a day of reflection, healing and togetherness that we are so proud to be part of. The event has a deep impact on everyone involved. It’s not just about planting trees or serving lunch—it’s about honoring memories and standing in solidarity with these families during their healing journey.

We’re already looking forward to next year’s Celebration of Life event, and we remain committed to supporting HUGS and the families they serve in any way we can.

About Hugs

HUGS was founded in 1982 by a small group of volunteers at Unity Church on Oahu who recognized the many challenges and stressors that families with seriously ill children face. They noticed families who were constantly challenged financially, spiritually, emotionally, and by many other issues related to their child's condition. They felt families shouldn't have to go through this journey alone. They envisioned an organization that would provide support, compassion and aloha to these families.

Over the years, HUGS has grown to meet the emotional and financial needs of more families from across the state, helping them cope with the effects of a childhood illness. HUGS serves Hawaii children, ages birth to 21 years, who have been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness that ranges from cancer, cardiac issues, and liver and kidney ailments, to chromosomal defects.