The Locations Foundation pledged to invest a total of $30,000 in the ALICE Initiative over the next three years, through a donation to the Aloha United Way's ALICE Fund. The investment aligns with the Foundation’s commitment to enhance the lives of children in need across our island community.
ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) is an acronym for households living above the Federal Poverty Line, but still unable to make ends meet or thrive. According to the most recent ALICE Brief, released in April 2022, a shocking 47% of all children are living in ALICE Households or below. The ALICE Cohort, a group of 17 nonprofit organizations working to increase financial stability and savings, as well as increase access to safe and affordable housing, will work collectively to achieve greater impact.
“Supporting ALICE is perfectly aligned with our mission. We work to ensure the future of our community by enhancing the lives of our children through four pillars: Education, Health, Mentoring and Safety,” said Locations Foundation Advisory Board Member, Anina Quaranto. The most recent research brief, ALICE in Focus: Children, reveals how housing instability directly affects child well-being and growth. “Housing is the foundation of a healthy community. When one sector of housing is hurting, we all feel the pain,” continued Quaranto. The Locations Foundation will invest $10,000 every year for the next three years to amplify the work and ensure that solutions are within reach.
The partnership is deeply rooted in Locations' corporate culture. “All Foundation members are Locations agents and staff. To date, 200 active volunteers donate part of their annual income and free time each year to the Foundation. As a company, Locations donates thousands of volunteer hours to service projects across our island communities, along with a portion of our profits, to local charitable causes every year,” said Quaranto.
“We are extremely grateful for the investment that the Locations Foundation is making in Aloha United Way and in the ALICE Initiative,” said Aloha United Way CEO, John Fink. “We’ve engaged leading nonprofits to undertake this work and are able to provide more tools, data, and resources as we collectively pursue solutions that can be scaled to impact a greater number of households each year." The Foundationʻs investment in the AUW ALICE Fund will directly impact work under the Initiative.
“Identifying innovative solutions, sharing data and metrics, and scaling those solutions is where we are heading in the future. We can’t do that without community investment, and the Locations Foundation is an incredible example of what can be done when we work together,” said Emmaly Calibraro, Vice President of Resource Development and Donor Relations.
The AUW ALICE Fund drives the ALICE Initiative, led in partnership with the Hawai’i Community Foundation from 2022-2024.
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