Quantcast Locations Foundation Treats Keiki Healing from Grief and Trauma to a Morning in Nature | Locations

Locations Foundation Treats Keiki Healing from Grief and Trauma to a Morning in Nature

On a warm Saturday morning in November, Locations Foundation volunteers partnered with the Hawaii Nature Center to provide children from Kids Hurt Too Hawaii with an opportunity to experience the joy of nature in a beautiful, peaceful setting. Located in the Makiki Heights neighborhood, the Hawaii Nature Center's mission is to instill an appreciation and understanding of Hawaii’s natural environment in children through hands-on learning.

With the guidance of Center staff, Foundation volunteers Realtors Devin Minardi, Dawn Horn and Wade Uehara, along with home loan consultant Del Brown of Hawaii Mortgage Group, helped the children to explore the area’s streams and sprawling trails. Using nets, keiki caught fish, shrimp and other creatures from the streams and then placed them into containers for observation. The children also collected various items from the trails to create terrariums.

"Hawaii Nature Center’s dedication to creating engaging and enjoyable activities truly shines through,” said Minardi, who also serves on the Foundation’s advisory board. “It was fantastic to witness the kids thoroughly enjoying themselves, and it was heartwarming to see parents joining in on the fun, too!"

The Foundation has long supported Kids Hurt Too, and volunteers enjoyed the opportunity to interact with the organization's youth in a new setting.

About the Hawaii Nature Center

Hawaii Nature Center seeks to foster awareness, appreciation, understanding and stewardship of Hawaii’s environment by educating children with an interactive and immersive approach. More than 1 million students have experienced the wonders of nature through its children’s programs since in 1981. 20,000 students visit the Center annually, and more than 100 Oahu schools partner with the Center.

About Kids Hurt Too Hawaii

Kids Hurt Too Hawaii offers a free and safe place for children and youth experiencing grief and trauma, as well as support for their caregivers. The organization also provides support groups, crisis management and mentoring to children who have lost one or both parents.