Looking for some fall fun for the whole family in Kapolei this October? Our Neighborhood Experts rounded up the best fall events featuring food, family and fun this month in Kapolei.
91-3257 Kualakai Parkkway
6:30 – 9 p.m. | Fri., Oct. 4
Bring the whole family to the Kroc Center to kick off October with pumpkin carving, games, prizes, craft activities and craft vendors. Food will be available for purchase. Free entry to all. For more information, click here.
Science of Music
Kapolei Public Library | 1020 Manawai St.
10 a.m. - noon | Sat., Oct. 12
Children ages 5 and up can participate in educational, hands-on activities presented by the University of Hawaiʻi Graduate Women in Science. Activities include Musical Jars, Seeing Sound, the Science of Waves and more! For more information, click here.
Aloun Farms Pumpkin Festival
Aloun Farms | 91-1440 Farrington Hwy
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Saturdays & Sundays in October, beginning Oct. 12
Pick your perfect pumpkin, enjoy a free hayride, keiki games, entertainment and plenty of ono local food at Oahu's largest pumpkin patch. For more information, click here.
Spooktacular Halloween
Kapolei Public Library | 1020 Manawai St.
5:30 - 7:30 p.m. | Wed.., Oct. 23
Keiki 12 years old and younger can sport their Halloween costumes and test their skills on carnival-style games like Witch’s Hat ring toss, Spin-the-Wheel and Jack-o-Lantern bean bag toss. Keiki can earn and redeem tickets for a variety of prizes. For more information, click here.
2018 Hawaii Food & Wine Festival
Kohola Lagoon 1 | Off of Ali'inui Dr.
6:30 - 9:30 p.m. | Sat., Oct. 26
Calling all foodies! The Hawaii Food & Wine Festival at Ko Olina features a culinary feast complete with craft cocktails, specialty beer and wine by renowned vintners, and a stunning oceanfront setting. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit hawaiifoodandwinefestival.com.
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