The vibrant, bustling neighborhood of Kaka’ako has become the "it" place to live on Oahu. With an array of condo towers that span the price spectrum, convenient location and enviable lifestyle, demand for Kaka’ako homes is sky high.
At the same time, with just 2.3 months of remaining inventory, the supply of resale condos in Kaka’ako is at an all-time low. As a result, prices in the area are increasing—and even accelerating.
Living the good life
There's a lot to love about living in Kaka’ako. A master-planned community with sprawling greenspaces, careful preservation of view planes and stunning, modern condo towers chock full of amazing amenities, Kaka’ako is ideally situated across from Ala Moana Beach Park and Ala Moana Center. So, whether you’re looking for some R & R or retail therapy, you’ll find it just minutes from home.
Many Kaka'ako buildings are packed with awesome amenities, from pools and tennis courts, to gyms and movie theater rooms.
Kaka'ako residents can be almost anywhere on the island in about 10 minutes. Traveling is a breeze, too; just lock, go, and you can be at the airport within minutes.
Who’s Buying in Kakaako?
There’s a perception that Kaka’ako is for the super-rich or out-of-towners, but a majority of Kaka’ako condo homebuyers—about 75 percent—were from Hawaii in 2021.
Buyers from the U.S. continent and abroad accounted for only one-quarter of condo purchases in Kaka’ako last year, and most of those purchases were in the $2-million-dollar range or higher.
Thinking of Making Kaka’ako Home?
If you're thinking of making Kaka'ako home, you'll need to factor maintenance fees, as well as purchase price, into your budget. Maintenance fees cover basics like sewer, water, cable TV and Internet, as well as amenities like a gym, pool, BBQ area, security and more. These monthly fees ensure that a building will be properly cared.
For those who qualify, reserved affordable housing projects like Ililani and Ulana Ward Village are an incredible opportunity to purchase a condo in Kaka’ako for less than market value. A handful of units remain in Ililani, a 42-story tower with a mix of 328 affordable and market-rate homes.
Applications for Ulana, the newest reserved housing project from developer Howard Hughes, are also available. Ulana features 700 studio, one-, two- and three-bedroom units, along with a park, keiki play structure, work space, fitness center and more.
Download a Reserved Housing Application for Ulana Ward Village.
There truly is something for almost everyone in Kaka’ako—if you know where to look.
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