The holiday season is officially here, and there are plenty of twinkling holiday lights to take in across the island. Whether you choose to stroll through your favorite decked-out neighborhood with friends or enjoy the lights from the comfort of your own car, you're sure to find some delightful scenes! So, fill your to-go mug with some hot cocoa and round up the keiki; below are our Locations Neighborhood Experts' picks for the best holiday light decorations across Oahu.
In December, Namoku Street transforms into "Christmas Tree Lane"- Kaneohe's holiday hot spot. While there is no coordination among the houses, there is a variety of light displays with a life-size Santa, reindeer, unicorns, favorite characters like "Where's Waldo?" and plenty more. Some homeowners have even been known to pass out candy to keiki.
The homeowners at 1170 Akumu Street in the Enchanted Lake neighborhood of Kailua go all-out every year, with inflatables, ornaments and more than 10,000 lights synchronized to Christmas music. It's a must-see light display on the Windward side. From 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Monday - Thursday, and 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Friday - Sunday. Also in the Enchanted Lake area, check out the nightly lights on Akuleana Place.
Hawaii Kai
For a uniquely Hawaiian holiday light experience, mark your calendar for the 27th annual Festival of Lights Christmas Boat Parade in Hawaii Kai, at sunset, Saturday, December 14, 2024. Featuring an array of brightly illuminated floats with themes ranging from whimsical and whacky, the parade route begins at the Koko Marina Center, winds around Kuapa Isle, Spinnaker Isle and The Peninsula, before ending at Mariner's Cove. Prizes are awarded to the best bedecked boats.
For more than two decades, a giant 100-foot tall Norfolk pine decorated with string lights has shined like a beacon from 924 Pueo St., spreading holiday cheer in the Kahala neighborhood and beyond.
In Kaimuki, take in the panoramic views of Honolulu from atop Pu’u O Kaimuki Mini Park, better known as Christmas Tree Park, for its 'floating' Christmas tree, decorated by the Kaimuki Business & Professional Association and community volunteers. Look for Kaimuki's iconic Christmas tree as you drive along H1 past Kaimuki or Harding Ave.
At the intersection of Wilhelmina Rise and Keanu Street, at the base of the hill, are two decked-out homes on opposite sides of the street. The home on the corner of Wilhelmina Rise and Keanu Street features giant inflatable characters and more than 60 strings of lights, while the home across the street is decorated in memory of Phil and Ernie Akau and features large stockings with family members' names, a stained glass nativity scene, snowmen and more.
Take in the lights aboard the Waikiki Trolley, which departs from the corner of Richards Street and Aloha Tower Drive nightly from Sunday, December 8, 2024 to Monday, December 30, 2024. Tickets are $35 for ages 12 and up, and $25 for children 3 to 11 years (children 3 and under must sit on an adult's lap). Ticket price includes a visit to Honolulu Hale, complimentary hot cocoa, games and activities, and photo ops with Santa and the Grinch.
Shaka Santa and Tutu Mele are back for the 40th annual Honolulu City Lights display at Honolulu Hale, located at 530 S. King Street. With its stunning lights and giant, 50-foot-tall pine tree, City Lights is a Honolulu holiday tradition! The Opening Night celebration is scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Saturday, December 7, 2024. The tree lights will be turned on at 6 p.m. Free photos with Santa, sponsored by Hawaiian Telcom, will available at the Mission Memorial Auditorium on Opening Night. Also on Opening Night, the annual Public Workers' Electric Light Parade begins at 6 p.m. The parade will travel on King Street, from River Street to Kawaiahao Street, and arrive at Honolulu Hale approximately 6:30 p.m. If you plan to attend Opening Night and the parade, expect large crowds in front of Honolulu Hale and along the sidewalks of King Street between Bishop and Punchbowl Streets. The marching bands and vehicles may not be visible if you're past Honolulu Hale between Alapai and Kawaiahao Streets. Free public parking is available at the Frank F. Fasi Municipal lot (enter from the left lane of Beretania Street just past Alapa‘i Street). The parade can also be viewed in Chinatown. Note: There are several parking lots in the area; however, you will need to park before streets are closed for the parade. Also, you may have to wait for the streets to re-open to exit certain lots. If you'd like to see the tree lighting but avoid the crowds, you can watch the Opening Night celebration on Olelo Channel 53, beginning at 6 p.m. Honolulu City Lights will be open daily from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. on the Frank F. Fasi Civic Center Grounds and will run throughout December. Other special events include a Celtic Pipes performance, at 7 p.m., Wednesday, December 11, 2024, and Free Milk & Cookies Night, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday, December 21, 2024, until supplies last.
A new offering this year, "Twas the Light Before Christmas" by Paquin Entertainment Group, has turned the Hawaii Convention Center into a winter wonderland of lights, holiday music, 'ono treats and plenty of photo ops. Have a snowball fight, kick back with a festive beverage or take in an immersive show in the kalaidaSCAPE room. With special dates and times for toddlers, along with other keiki-friendly events, there's something for the whole family to enjoy. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit Located at 1801 Kalakaua Avenue, the exhibit is open from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. (last entry 8 p.m.), Sunday through Thursday, and 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. (last entry 9 p.m.) Friday through Saturday, until December 31, 2024.
People from all over the island flock to 94-226 Anapau Place in Waikele to experience Waikele Lights, a synchronized spectacular featuring hundreds of thousands of lights. Organized by the Yoshida Family, Waikele Lights began in 2011 and features a coordinated light show among several homes on the street, with favorite characters like Minions, a nativity scene and a variety of colorfully lit trees and animals. Anapau Place will be closed off to vehicular traffic during show times. Expect a lot of traffic and pedestrians, but word on the street is that it's well worth it! Fun Fact: Anapau Place was featured on ABC's “The Great Christmas Light Fight” in 2014, where it faced off with two other streets in America! Waikele Lights runs nightly from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. throughout December.
At Village Park, on the corner of Kupuna Loop and Palai St. in Waipahu, homeowners go all-out every year, creating a holiday spectacle for the whole neighborhood to enjoy, says Locations Principal Broker and long-time Waipahu resident Darryl Macha. Also in Waipahu, the homeowners at 94-313 Kiokio Place have been delighting passerby with a display featuring a rotating cast of Disney and Dr. Seuss characters for more than 25 years. Parking may be limited.
Every year, visitors from all over the island flock to the three cul-de-sacs bordering Mahinahou Street in Mililani to view the elaborate displays that make up Mililani Holiday Lights. On Neleau Place, be sure to stop by the "Star Wars House" is for a photo op with costumed characters from the Pacific Outpost, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., December 7, 15 and 21, 2024. Check out the other participating cul-de-sacs, Maiaohe Place, also known as "Maiaohe Wonderland," and Leleua Place.
North Shore
Visit Hukilau Marketplace at the Polynesian Cultural Center in La'ie on the North Shore from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. nightly, December 16 to 21, 2024, to enjoy holiday lights, photos with Santa, keiki train rides and more. This event is free!
Ewa Beach
The Ewa Gentry neighborhood in Ewa Beach is known for its holiday spirit. The Wagoner Family's "Christmas on Kamaehu Way," at 91-214 Kamaehu Way is one of the island's best-known holiday lights displays. Clocking in at over one hour, this light show runs from 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. nightly until December 26, 2024. The homeowners set up a TV in the front yard that plays favorite songs from Disney movies, Hawaiian classics and more, synchronized to the twinkling lights. Some visitors have been known to bring their own folding chairs to take in the hour-long show. People also comment on how the wide sidewalks in Ewa Gentry are child-friendly, making an after-dark walk the perfect way to take in some holiday magic and tire out the keiki before bedtime. Also in Ewa Gentry, be sure to stroll down Pukanala and Noelo streets, where most of the homes are lit up. In Ka Makana at Hoakalei, the homeowners at 91-1051 Waikapoo Street put on a dazzling one-hour light show that's synchronized to favorite Christmas songs. There's even a snow machine! Recent themes have included "Elf" and "Christmas Vacation."
Since its inaugural celebration in 2001, Kapolei City Lights has been spreading holiday cheer to Leeward Oahu as a complement to Honolulu City Lights. Held at Kapolei Hale, at 1000 Ulu‘ōhia Street, visitors can enjoy indoor and outdoor decorations this year, including a 50-foot LED Christmas tree. The theme this year is "Show Aloha this Holiday Season," with decorations that inspire togetherness and remind everyone of the joy that comes from kindness, compassion, and connection during the holiday season. Kapolei Hale will be open to the public to view the holiday decorations until Sunday, January 5, 2025. Hours: Monday - Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Friday - Sunday and holidays: 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Outdoor ornaments will be illuminated nightly until 11 p.m.
in Makakilo, look for "Kevin's Christmas Lights Extravaganza" at 92-520 Waokele Street, which has been a mainstay in the neighborhood for almost 20 years. The homeowner, Kevin, has been known to personally greet visitors with candy canes and aloha spirit. Visitors recommend parking and walking through the display, which can take between 15 and 30 minutes. Decorations include favorite characters from Peanuts and Disney, as well as a miniature village that's sure to delight all ages. Nightly in December, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Our list is updated annually, but sometimes a home is no longer participating, or we've missed a great spot. If you have a correction or update to add, send us a note. Have fun touring the holiday lights and happy holidays from Locations!
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