Mililani has long been a favorite neighborhood on Oahu. Local residents and military transferees alike have flocked to Mililani for decades, thanks to the neighborhood’s abundance of parks, many shopping and dining options and wide, leafy streets.
Oahu’s first master-planned community, Mililani was developed on former pineapple and sugar cane fields by Castle & Cooke in 1968. Central to the developer’s vision for the fledgling neighborhood was to create a sense of community, with desirable amenities and conveniences to attract long-term residents. Part of Mililani’s appeal lies in its large, landscaped 5,000-square-foot-plus homesites with single-family homes and carports or garages. The Mililani Town Association, which is responsible for maintaining common areas throughout the town, was one of the first of its kind in Hawaii and ensures that the neighborhood is well maintained (which helps to retain homes values).
My Mililani story
I've personally called Mililani home for two decades, and I wouldn't choose to raise my family anywhere else! My family moved to Mililani 20 years ago, so my husband, who was active-duty military at the time, could be close to Schofield Barracks. My children were raised in Mililani and attended Mililani public schools. Now that my husband is retired and my children are grown, we still enjoy the benefits of being centrally located, the cooler temperatures, and the many dining and entertainment choices Mililani offers. Designed for active lifestyles, Mililani boasts six recreation centers, five swimming pools, 12 tennis courts and 15 parks. It's a great neighborhood for walking, jogging or biking, too, with plenty of sidewalks and crosswalks at all major intersections. There are also many opportunities for youth sports and recreation. My children participated in football, soccer, baseball and swimming while growing up in Mililani.
Low inventory, high demand
Because Mililani is perennially popular, its real estate market is extremely competitive. With around 11,000 single-family homes in Mililani and Mililani Mauka combined, demand for these coveted neighborhoods far exceeds supply. The condo market in Mililani is equally tight. When a well-priced home comes on the market, it typically garners multiple offers. If you’re a seller, you can expect to sell your home quickly--if it’s priced right.
Something for everyone
Mililani has a wide range of home types to fit your needs and your pocketbook. From condos and townhouses to entry- and mid-level homes, all the way up to executive homes, there’s something for everyone. There are also senior housing communities and assisted living facilitie. If you’d like to call Mililani home, don’t wait too long, as median sales prices are on the rise.
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