Media Contact:
Dan Richards, Locations
(808) 738-3247
Locations Rings in the New Year with a New Website
Site helps Hawaii residents find their dream home faster
HONOLULU – (January 09, 2017) – Hawaii’s leading real estate firm, Locations, rings in 2017 with a brand-new website, Designed specifically for Hawaii’s unique market the redesigned website will give home buyers, sellers and owners access to the most accurate, local and personalized real estate information.
Key features of the Locations’ new website include:
- PowerSearch, with 110 search filters users can narrow down their search with incredible precision from over 350+ neighborhoods and 10,000 listings statewide. Local search filters include tenure (fee simple / leasehold), maintenance fees, building name, and lanai size.
- An enhanced property details page, with an emphasis on user experience, the new property pages feature large photos, key information placed near the top, localized details, property sales history and recommended listings.
- MyLocations, is the Facebook of Hawaii real estate. The MyLocations dashboard offers users personalized property alerts, a place to view saved searches, and includes a free monthly home valuation report.
- Locations Wayfinder, allows users to personalize the Locations website to match their specific real estate needs. Key personalized segments include buyers, sellers, homeowners, military and investors.
- Locations Home Valuator (LHV), unlike mainland websites which use zip codes, the Locations website uses neighborhood specific data to ensure the most accurate property valuations for homes in Hawaii.
“Technology has always been an important differentiator for Locations and today we’re excited to announce the most powerful online real estate resource for Hawaii residents,” said Scott Higashi, president and CEO of Locations. “Created in Hawaii for Hawaii, we are confident clients will prosper by using the new while finding it an extremely helpful resource for all of their real estate needs.”
Created by Locations agents to meet the needs of their clients, the website’s two-year construction required a $1 million investment from the firm and more than 10,000 man-hours to complete. To view the new Locations website, visit
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