Quantcast July 2020 Oahu Real Estate Report: Where has the Single-Family Home Inventory Gone? | Locations

July 2020 Oahu Real Estate Report: Where has the Single-Family Home Inventory Gone?

The effects of the coronavirus pandemic are passing through the real estate market and most measures of market activity are returning to typical levels, a tribute to the continual strong demand for housing on Oahu. July home sales are down compared to July last year; however, both are up by double-digits in the past two months.  Homes and condos that closed in July saw another jump in selling prices bid-up over asking prices, signs of continued demand and a competitive market. However, Single-family home ‘Inventory for Sale’ is an exception.  Active listings for homes have been lowering for almost a year now; active listings for condos dropped below last year’s level in July and are trending down.