MedicalGeriatricians - DoctorsName: Kaiser Permanante Name: Kalihi-Palama Health Center Name: Maluhia Geriatric Physician Services Social Services and SupportIn Home Care ServicesName: Alternative Care Services, Inc Name: Alu Like, Inc. Name: Arcadia Home Health Services Name: Kokua Nurses Name: Wilson Homecare Adult Day CentersName: Franciscan Adult Day Center Name: Hale Kako’o Adult Day Care Name: Kilohana Senior Enrichment Center Name: Windward Seniors Day Care Hope Center More: Senior Citizen ClubsName: Honolulu Seniors Name: Platinum Seniors Name: Ewa Beach Seniors Name: Kailua Seniors Moving On: Alternative Senior Housing OptionsSenior Assisted Living FacilitiesName: Kahala Nui & Hiolani Care Center Name:Kuakini Geriatric Care Inc Name:Plaza Assisted Living Name: Kina Ole Estate Aging In PlaceHome Safety Evaluation ProgramsName:East Oahu Physical Therapy Name: Ohana Pacific Rehabilitation Services Name:Therapist and Home Care on Call, Inc Fall Prevention and Exercise ProgramsName: Castle Wellness Lifestyle Medicine Center Name: Honolulu Gerontology Program Name: YMCA Honolulu Senior Financial ResourcesAttorney - Elder LawName: Brian Kawamoto (Estates, Trusts, and Wills) Home Resources: ResidentialSenior Real Estate Specialists (SRES Certified Realtors)Corinda Wong (R) (SRES) (GRI) Raina Okamoto, RA, SRES® Regina C. Mass (R) Aileen Wada (R), GRI Mary Tess Edu (R) Grace Koreyasu (R) CRS, SRES Tom Presler (R) Kai Brown (RA) Kimiko May (R), GRI, ABR Dan Koyamatsu (RA) Priscilla Walthouse (RA) Darren De Mello (RA), SRES Allyson Riter (R), ABR Charmaine Quilit Poki (R), GRI, CRS Gary and Patti Takayama (R),CRS Sean Sonoda (RA) Jeanne Frace (R), GRI, CRS, CDPE Sandie Choe-Yamasato (RA) Rodney Drummer (RA) Tyler Koreyasu (RA) Susie Kimhan (RA), ABR, CRS, SRES, SFR Brad K. Dang (R) Tom Mukai (R), CRS, GRI Ray Smith (RA) Orion Barels (RA) Marshall C. Mower (R), Partner, CRS, ABR, GRI, e-PRO Chad Takesue (R) Jason Lee (RA), CRS, CHMS, e-Pro Steven Ito (RA) Rodney S. Mukai (R) Partner, CRB, CRS, GRI Elena Roud (R) Jon Yamasato (R) Linda Toki (RA) Steven Dutcher (RA) Susan Onishi Andrade (R) Toan Doran (R), Partner Deanna Kolivas (RA) Jonathan Pang (RA), CHMS, e-PRO, SRES Moving CompanyName: Dan Takaki of Island Movers PlumberName: Scott White of Point Plumbing ElectricianName: Ivan Endo of S&E Electric Wood/ Carpet FlooringName: Bobby Kim of Abbey Carpet
If you have a service or product for our senior's resource guide, please contact Heather Arias. |
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