Quantcast 2019 Locations Blog Archive - Page 9 | Locations
Press Releases

Distance to Urban Core Affects Oahu Prices

Locations—Hawaii’s leading real estate firm—analyzed the 2019 median price of Oahu single-family home neighborhoods by distance to the urban core. The report concludes that the closer the neighborhood is to Oahu’s urban core, the higher the median sold price, with a few notable exceptions.

Press Releases

Distance to Urban Core Affects Oahu Prices

Locations—Hawaii’s leading real estate firm—analyzed the 2019 median price of Oahu single-family home neighborhoods by distance to the urban core. The report concludes that the closer the neighborhood is to Oahu’s urban core, the higher the median sold price, with a few notable exceptions.


Hawaii Kai Events: August 2019

August may be halfway over, but there's still plenty of family fun to be found in Hawaii Kai this month. Our Neighborhood Experts compiled a list of Hawaii Kai happenings in August- from attending a concert to harvesting your own veggies!
