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In my last blog, we went over the benefits of a 1031 Exchange. So let’s go a little deeper into the different types of 1031 Exchanges available to investors. First things first, what are the basic requirements to qualify for a valid 1031 Exchange? Almost any property qualifies for a 1031 Exchange unless the property is your principal residence, it must be an investment property such as rental or commercial properties or vacant land. Investments must also be of "like-kind" investments, for example, you can’t exchange a business into a commercial building or a rental property into a principal residence (click here for the IRS explanation on like-kind exchanges). Here is the timeline for a Delayed Exchange. |
Looking for some great events around Kailua during the holiday season? We've got some great ideas! Castle Medical Center Tree Lighting Ceremony and Light Up KailuaDecember 4, 2013 from 6:15 - 8:30 PM The 28th annual Castle Medical Center Tree Lighting program takes place on December 4. This year is bound to be extra-special as Castle Medical Center celebrates its 50th anniversary. The tree lighting is the first festive sign that officially ushers in the holiday season to Kailua.
Light Up KailuaDecember 4 - 27 Don’t forget the Kailua Chamber of Commerce’s “Light Up Kailua” competition. Light up your windows, store or mix up a little holiday cheer and you’ll have a chance to be named the Light Up Kailua Champion. Last year’s winner in the Business Decoration Category was Picket Fence, while Mary Weisman was the winner in the Patron Category. For more information about this year’s contest, contact erin@kailuachamber.com. |
You have this great property for sale, and it’s just generated multiple offers. Do you know all the things you can do to get the best offer and maximize your gain? As the number of properties selling over asking price continues to rise on Oahu, more and more buyers are using creative tactics to make their offers stand out from the competition. Who’s to say that sellers can't use some of the same tactics? |
Prudential Locations, Hawaii's largest locally owned and operated real estate company, is making a strategic move to enhance business operations and grow its presence on the Valley Isle. Today the company opened a brand-new retail space at The Shops at Wailea, one of Maui's most luxurious premier shopping and dining destinations. The real estate firm's new Wailea office underscores its commitment to the Valley Isle. "As the Maui real estate market continues to heat up, we feel that now is the perfect time to expand our presence in Maui. The island saw an increase in sales of 11 percent compared to just last year, and the real estate market in Wailea is especially strong, with prices nearly double what they were 10 years ago," said Scott Higashi, executive vice president of sales at Prudential Locations. "Opening this location in Wailea makes us even more accessible to our valued Maui clients. We couldn't be more pleased to expand our services." |
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