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Why Buyers Need to Get a Home Inspection

You’ve found your dream home and made an offer. What’s next? Well after getting a mortgage, the most crucial item of the home buying process is the home inspection, and it’s often the one item that gets the least attention. This is your chance as a buyer to kick the tires and check under the hood, so to speak.

Why Get a Home Inspection

When I’m working with buyers, I like to give them a heads-up on the process, what to expect and what the results from the inspection mean. The purpose of the home inspection is to educate the buyer on the condition of the home they are buying.  

When I make an offer on behalf of my client, I always include an inspection contingency. If something does arise, I usually go back to the negotiating table so the buyer can ask the seller to take care of necessary repairs. The inspection contingency also gives them the right to back out of the deal if the inspection uncovers major flaws. Keep in mind, the home inspection is the buyer’s opportunity to find flaws that are deal-breakers, not necessarily a punch list of items for the seller to repair.

I usually insist that my clients are present for the home inspection. I tell them it’s much like buying a car. You can’t tell if it has problems unless you take it to a mechanic and have them explain what needs to be fixed, the long-term effects and the costs.