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May Day is Lei Day in Hawaii Nei

In 1927, a poet from Oklahoma named Don Blanding had the idea to create a new holiday centered around the Hawaiian custom of wearing and making lei. Today, Lei Day is celebrated on May 1 across the Hawaiian Islands with lei-making demonstrations, hula performances and more.


Where Oahu Homeowners Have the Most Home Equity in Spring 2024

What would you do with an extra $260,000? Move to a larger home, or a new neighborhood? Add an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) to your existing home, or renovate your kitchen and baths? If you think you don't have that kind of cash on hand, you might be pleasantly surprised: Many Oahu homeowners have a significant amount of home equity—it's almost like your home is a piggy bank that grows bigger each year.


What's Up (and Down) in the Oahu Home Market in 2024

As the saying goes, all real estate is local. Looking at housing data for Oahu overall can provide a good bird's-eye view of the market, but it's not always a good barometer of what's happening on your block. That's why in addition to crunching the monthly numbers for the Oahu market, Locations' Research Department also analyzes single-family home and condo local market areas—even drilling down to the island's 365 neighborhoods.
