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The West Oahu city of Kapolei is a thriving community, known for its new developments and larger, more affordable homes. Residents enjoy access to an array of modern amenities, from big box stores, retailers, and restaurants to resorts and water parks. But who are the residents of Kapolei? How many are married? How much do they make?
In the comments below, tell us where in Kapolei this photo was taken and we will enter your name in a drawing to win a $30 gift certificate to Monkeypod Kitchen!
The neighborhood of Kakaako is thriving - with plans for dozens of new condominiums, retail outlets and restaurants in the near future. However, some local consumers look at the condo prices and think, "No way! I can't afford that." But what if you qualified for a lower price? We hear terms like "reserve housing" and "workforce housing,” but what does that really mean to the consumer? One of the great things about Kakaako is that there is diversity in the types of units offered. You may look at a condo and think it's out of your price range, but within each building there may be units set aside that are within your reach. So what are the different housing types and which one works best for me?
In the comments below, tell us where in Kapolei this photo was taken and we will enter your name in a drawing to win a $30 gift certificate to Monkeypod Kitchen!
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