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Calling all first-time homebuyers! Navigating the buyers scene in this competitive Oahu market can be very tricky. Of course to get the best results you must work with an experienced Locations real estate agent like myself, but if you’re new to the home buying scene you may want to get your feet wet and do some open house window shopping on your own. Here is the Buyers Guide to Visiting Your First Open House.
In 2016, Locations, captured the real estate market with the highest number of transactions by a single firm in Hawaii for the sixth year in a row. To recognize the achievements of our agents and to celebrate the successes as the market leader, we held our annual awards ceremony on Friday, February 10. It was a costume party awards banquet with a theme of "International Traveler."
As Donald Trump enters office as the 45th President of the United States, many have asked "what impact will Donald Trump have on the Oahu housing market?" Going back to 1958, when the average price for an Oahu single family home was $23,069 and Dwight D, Eisenhower was president, we determined that Hawaii’s real estate market is not directly affected by specific presidents or political parties but rather larger economic factors that fuel consumer confidence such as interest rates, wage growth and unemployment rates.
At this special time of year, we give thanks for people like you who have made our jobs meaningful and our lives more fulfilling. Thank you for being you! We truly believe that we're "Better Together" and our success is dependent on our agents helping you achieve your real estate goals. You voted us "Hawaii's Best Real Estate Company" six years in a row, and even though we are #1 in sales, your satisfaction is how we measure our success.
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