Sounds insane, right? Too good to be true? Throughout my real estate career I've helped numerous clients own homes with little to no money down. A 20% down payment is NOT your only option. There are many loan programs, including this one, that don't require a huge down payment and aren't limited to first time homebuyers.
In the past, your options were limited to the VA loans if you were military, or purchasing with USDA programs in areas that had once been used for agriculture. However, times are changing and lenders are finding new and creative ways to give consumers the keys to homeownership. The best part? This program is open to anybody that qualifies.
Yes, $1,000 Down. Seriously.
Your Face Right Now (Hopefully)
I know what you're thinking, your monthly mortgage payment must be astronomical for so little money down. Not true! In fact, some new homeowners end up with a lower monthly mortgage payment than their previous monthly rent payment. As great as this program is, keep in mind it's just one of countless financing possibilities. You should work with your agent and lender to find creative solutions that are tailored to your unique financial situation.
I have leveraged this program consistently to get my clients the best deal on their mortgage loan. I can quickly and easily determine if it will be a good match for you by comparing just a few key pieces of your information to the loan guidelines. In addition to only putting $1,000 down, this loan program offers competitive interest rates. Although it's an amazing program, it's not highly visible as the lender does not advertise it or actively market it online. To find out more about one of best kept secrets in Hawaii Real Estate, please contact me.
You may still be looking for the fine print, but I assure you this is the real deal. The infographic below explains it all.
*Either the borrower's income has to be limited to 80 percent of the market median income, which on Oahu equates to about $64K, or if the borrower makes more than that, the property must be located in a "low-to-moderate" neighborhood, based on the census data. You will be surprised at how many areas in the metro region of Oahu meets this category. (Don't worry, this isn't fine print, just clarification)
You're Eligible! Now What?
First off, Congratulations! I'm excited to share this program with you and even more excited to help guide you the rest of the way. The next step would be to contact me so we can discuss whether or not this program is a good match for your current situation and homeownership goals. We can then start searching for some options and making this "too good to be true" program a reality.
Chris Yozamp (R) Locations, Diamond Head Office: (808) 735-4200 |
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