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Are you interested in a real estate career in Hawaii?
Sounds insane, right? Too good to be true? Throughout my real estate career I've helped numerous clients own homes with little to no money down. A 20% down payment is NOT your only option. There are many loan programs, including this one, that don't require a huge down payment and aren't limited to first time homebuyers.
In the past, your options were limited to the VA loans if you were military, or purchasing with USDA programs in areas that had once been used for agriculture. However, times are changing and lenders are finding new and creative ways to give consumers the keys to homeownership. The best part? This program is open to anybody that qualifies.
Whether you're a first-time seller or an investor with numerous properties, selling a house is a complicated process, no matter how good your agent or the real estate market. Your agent will help you set the right price, market the home professionally, qualify the buyers, and expertly negotiate and finalize the deal. A good real estate agent will always be working on your behalf. Yet there is information that only you know the answers to, which is crucial when it comes to helping your agent lead you through a smooth transaction. In my experience, if you share the following pieces of information with your agent early on in the process of listing your property, the chances of having an issue-free transaction increase significantly. |
You have this great property for sale, and it’s just generated multiple offers. Do you know all the things you can do to get the best offer and maximize your gain? As the number of properties selling over asking price continues to rise on Oahu, more and more buyers are using creative tactics to make their offers stand out from the competition. Who’s to say that sellers can't use some of the same tactics? |
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