Locations vs. The World
Locations agent Dolores Bediones submitted this ultra luxury listing to HGTV for their annual "Ultimate House Hunt" competition. Her listing went up against the best luxury homes AROUND THE WORLD. Not only Hawaii, not only the United States, Dolores' listing was up against gorgeous properties from Dubai to Milan and everywhere in between.
3 months and millions of votes later, Dolores' listing won both the category she submitted it for (Waterfront Homes) and was voted the #1 listing OVERALL and the winner of HGTV's Ultimate House Hunt 2016! Locations was already voted "Hawaii's Best" real estate company in the Honolulu Star Advertiser's annual competition, now our luxury listing was voted best in the World!
The Winning Listing
569 Portlock Road, Honolulu, HI 96825
MLS #: 201617847
5 Bedrooms, 6 Bathrooms, 1 Half Bath
Interior: 8,444 sq. ft.
Land Area: 25,024 sq. ft.
Views: Breathtaking
The Listing Agent - Dolores Bediones (R), Partner
Dolores is a Fine Homes Premier Specialist and partner at Locations LLC who specializes in multimillion dollar homes. Recently, she represented the buyer in the highest residential sale on Oahu at $13.85M.
With over 25 years experience in the industry and over 500 transactions, Dolores has listed and sold some of the finest homes in Hawaii for both local and international clients. She's multilingual and speaks English, Spanish and Tagalog.
Dolores serves as a trustee for the Locations LLC Foundation, an organization committed to serving the needs of children and families in Hawaii through the support of non-profit organizations and programs, and volunteers for Child and Family Service and Aloha Medical Mission.
Outstanding Partner (2000-2012)
Salesperson of the Year (1999, 2005, 2007)
Aloha Aina (2000-2012)
Top 100 Agents in MLS
Top 1% Volume in MLS
Hawaii Business Magazine "Hall of Fame" Inductee (Highest Award for Top 100 Realtors)
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