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Oahu home prices finish the year strong in December 2020

Median real estate prices on Oahu have not suffered from COVID-19 impact. Median home prices are well above last year’s levels, and condo median prices are rising above last year. The final median prices for 2020 are $830,000 for homes and $435,000 for condos, up 5% and 2% from last year, respectively. Lack of inventory for sale is the Oahu real estate market’s biggest issue, adding pressure on prices and increased competition for buyers. Homes for sale are scarcer than they have ever been, with only 453 active listings on the market.

Affordable Housing

Honolulu Beachfront Condos for under $300,000

Buy the Home you've Always Wanted

I pulled a complete 180* (weather wise) when I moved to tropical Hawaii from freezing Canada in March of 1996 with my 3 kids (1, 3 and 4 years old).  Like most parents, to ensure my kids don't spend too much time watching TV or playing with computers and video games, I spent a lot of time with them at the beach.
