The Ilikai is the first hotel-resort condominium developed in Hawaii and is one of the original iconic landmarks of Waikiki. After completing the most comprehensive renovation of original developer units since 1964, 176 fee-simple, fully-furnished condos on the 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th floors are available for purchase.
These renovated units feature breathtaking panoramic ocean and mountain views and include new kitchens, bathrooms and designer furnishings. Boasting numerous resort amenities and conveniently located near world-class beaches, shopping, restaurants and parks, the Ilikai Waikiki is "Where Waikiki Begins."
Seeing is believing. Call your agent for a personal tour of the Ilikai. And in the meantime, enjoy the photos below. For your convenience, all of the Ilikai units come fully-furnished.
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Owning at the historic Ilikai means you get a property that has flexibility. These incredible resort-condos can be placed in a rental program - so when you're not here, rent it out. It's a great investment property and financing is available.
- Mountain Views from $462,500
- Diamond Head Views from $550,000
- Marina Views from $641,500
- 2 Bedroom Units from $1,025,000
A Rich History
Comprised of 1,009 resort condominiums and completed in February of 1964, the Ilikai, which translated from Hawaiian means "surface of the sea," was the first resort-condominium property to be developed in Waikiki. As a result of its impressive size and modern features at the time, the Ilikai became an instant icon, and to this day continues to be one of the most recognizable buildings in the State of Hawaii.
Over the last 50 years, prominent guests have included US Presidents Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford as well as noted celebrities Elvis Presley, John Wayne, Jack Benny and Englebert Humperdinck. The Ilikai was also made famous by its weekly appearance in the opening credits of the original hit television series Hawaii Five-O, with its star Jack Lord, from 1968 to 1980.
Developed by Chinn Ho and his locally-renowned Capital Investment Company, the thirty-story Ilikai with its three wing design and distinct turquoise panels was designed by architect John Graham Jr., who also designed Seattle’s iconic Space Needle. Built by Hawaiian Dredging Construction Company, the Ilikai was the largest condominium building in the world when it was completed.
During the initial groundbreaking ceremony, Chinn Ho and his good friend and classmate, Duke Kahanamoku, the father of modern day surfing, planted a Monkeypod tree in the courtyard of the building. Today, that tree, now known as the "Chinn Ho Tree," still flourishes as a reminder of the Ilikai's rich history.
Ready to Get Started?
We would love to give you a tour of the beautifully-remodeled units at the Ilikai Waikiki. Our sales center, located in the Ilikai, is open daily. Stop by or call your Prudential Locations agent to set up a private tour. The first phase sold out, so don't miss your opportunity to own in the famous Ilikai Waikiki!
Ilikai Sales Center
1777 Ala Moana Blvd. Suite 243
Honolulu, HI 96815
(808) 941-1188
Monday-Friday: 10a.m.-6p.m.
Saturday-Sunday: 11a.m.-5p.m.
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