Prudential Locations, Hawaii's largest locally owned and operated real estate company, is making a strategic move to enhance business operations and grow its presence on the Valley Isle. Today the company opened a brand-new retail space at The Shops at Wailea, one of Maui's most luxurious premier shopping and dining destinations. The real estate firm's new Wailea office underscores its commitment to the Valley Isle. "As the Maui real estate market continues to heat up, we feel that now is the perfect time to expand our presence in Maui. The island saw an increase in sales of 11 percent compared to just last year, and the real estate market in Wailea is especially strong, with prices nearly double what they were 10 years ago," said Scott Higashi, executive vice president of sales at Prudential Locations. "Opening this location in Wailea makes us even more accessible to our valued Maui clients. We couldn't be more pleased to expand our services." This vibrant, new office will serve as home for Prudential Locations' Maui-based real estate agents and a convenient venue for individuals looking to buy or sell properties on the island. Clients can expect to find highly-trained real estate agents with in-depth knowledge of neighborhoods in this unique market. "Wailea is a very special place. When you think of real estate, this is the epicenter for Maui," says Bill Chee, president and CEO of Prudential Locations. "The neighborhood is a high-end neighborhood, a very cohesive neighborhood and we have special things planned for this location. In fact, we just launched a new website that is just for Wailea residents. They can go there and find out lots of things about their neighborhood." Prudential Locations celebrated the grand opening of the company's new Wailea office on Wednesday, November 20, at The Shops at Wailea, located at 3750 Wailea Alanui Drive, Suite #22EW in Wailea, Maui. Bill Chee, president and CEO of Prudential Locations (right) and P. Denise La Costa, Prudential Locations' Maui office Principal Broker celebrate the opening of the company's new real estate office in Wailea, Maui. Photo credit: Dennis Giompaolo, Prudential Locations. |
Pictured left to right: P. Denise La Costa, Principal Broker of Prudential Locations Maui ; Nancy Nevius, Broker in Charge Prudential Locations Maui; Bill Chee, president and CEO of Prudential Locations and Linh DePledge, vice president of marketing Prudential Locations at the grand opening of the company's Wailea office. |
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