Whether you're a first-time seller or an investor with numerous properties, selling a house is a complicated process, no matter how good your agent or the real estate market. Your agent will help you set the right price, market the home professionally, qualify the buyers, and expertly negotiate and finalize the deal. A good real estate agent will always be working on your behalf. Yet there is information that only you know the answers to, which is crucial when it comes to helping your agent lead you through a smooth transaction. In my experience, if you share the following pieces of information with your agent early on in the process of listing your property, the chances of having an issue-free transaction increase significantly. Who is on title and/or who are the decision-makers involved?Having all parties be a part of the process and on the same page, will help the communication go smoothly. Everyone on title needs to agree on what is in the contract, so it's best to have all parties involved early. What factors may affect your sale and the timing of it?What are your plans for after the sale? It will help your agent to know if there is a 1031 Exchange at hand, or a pending move out of the area, or possibly the need to incorporate terms in your contract that would allow you to have time to select a replacement property. What are the unique features of the property?Is there any interesting history or nearby notable sites? This will help your agent promote features of the home, area, or amenities that may not be noticeable from first glance. Are there any negative items about the property and its condition?Are there any unpermitted items that need to be resolved? If it's a condo, what are the rules about pets and are there any issues with litigation, assessments, maintenance fee increases, etc.? Are you open to "dressing up" the property or making repairs in preparation for selling? Knowing these items helps your agent handle potential objections before they arise and will help to best prepare your property for sale. What is your main interest or concern about how your property is represented or sold?This will help your agent know which concerns to address such as, specific marketing efforts you want to have in the marketing plan, your concerns on pricing, what approach the agent will take in representing the property, also how you want to be communicated with and how often. Share with the agent any negative experiences you've had in the past when selling. I have a number of other questions and strategies that I share with my clients to help them maximize the potential of their property. I would be happy to help you come up with the best strategy for your specific situation. Please feel free to contact me if there is anything that I can do to help you with your property needs. |
Chris Yozamp (R) |
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