With inventory levels the lowest they've ever been, and competition among buyers creating bidding wars on new listings, it can be difficult for buyers to find and acquire the home they want. It's more important than ever to look for creative, unconventional, and alternative methods to find your dream property. If it's not for sale, ask the owner if they will sell.In the first case, I sent a postcard to all the owners that had a property that matched my client's needs, even if they weren't for sale. I made this postcard very personal, stating why my client was interested in their property, what his qualifications were, and how quickly he would be able to close. On the day the postcard was received by the owners, we got a call from an owner who had been planning on putting his property on the market within a week or two. We were able to see the unit the following day and put an offer in before it was listed publically, avoiding competition from other buyers. Insider knowledge: Work with an agent with a large networkIn the second case, I networked with other agents who had listings in my client's preferred building choice. One of the brokers did know of someone who was thinking of selling and approached them about my client. We were able to secure a private showing. We submitted an offer for this unlisted property and less than 24 hours after that, my buyers had an accepted offer on their dream unit. Needless to say both buyers were grateful to have the opportunity to pursue these properties, without the added stress of competing against multiple offers. Expired or withdrawn listings can be opportunitiesOther creative things you could do would be to check out any properties that match your needs, that at one time were withdrawn from the market or expired. These are sellers that at one time had a need and the market may have improved enough for them to now take action. Work with a Prudential Locations AgentAt Prudential Locations, our agents all network internally and share new and upcoming listings with each other. This gives buyers who work with Prudential Locations agents a competitive advantage, and in many situations, allows our buyers the opportunity to view new listings before they even hit the market! I am here to help!In this market thinking outside the box and being proactive can make the difference between winning and losing. I have a number of other tactics that I use to help my clients find the perfect property in today’s heavily competitive market, and I would be happy to help you find these "hidden gems" before they even come on the market. Please feel free to contact me if there is anything that I can do to help you with your property needs. |
Chris Yozamp (R) |
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