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At Locations, we believe in the power of community and helping to create bright futures for tomorrow's leaders, and there’s no better way to show that commitment than through action. On a sunny fall morning, our Locations Foundation volunteers had the privilege of partnering with Hawaii 3R’s to give Lanakila Elementary School in Honolulu a much-needed facelift.
Halloween is fast approaching, so planning ahead is key to stress-free trick-or-treating. We tapped our Locations Neighborhood Experts to share their tips for a bountiful Halloween!
Real property assessment notices will be hitting mailboxes soon, and if you've got questions, you're not alone. Read on for answers to the most common questions Oahu homeowners have about how real property assessments are determined, how to appeal your home's assessment and more.
The Oahu real estate market continued to follow stable seasonal patterns in September 2024, with sales following typical trends, prices flat-to-slightly rising and homes are on the market for about 3 to 4 weeks. Lower mortgage rates and a generally positive economic outlook could drive increased sales activity in the coming months, as buyers and sellers regain confidence in the market.
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