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No one should have to choose between their best friend and a place to live. According to the Hawaiian Humane Society, nearly 60 percent of Oahu households have pets, 43 percent of Oahu households own dogs and more than 300,000 pets are family members. So how do you find a home to rent if you are a pet owner? Which buildings on Oahu are pet friendly? Unfortunately, the irresponsible few have made it very difficult for pet owners to find rental accommodations, but there are things you can do to find a home for your whole family – including the ones with four feet. |
When you look at the neighbor islands and rewind to 2008 and 2009, they were disproportionately affected by that economic downturn. Prices really dropped. Sales dropped off. The good news is, on each of the neighbor islands you’re seeing broader recovery both in prices and in sales. Similar to Oahu, we’re seeing that the neighbor island real estate markets of Maui, Kauai and the Big Island are picking up—limited inventory on Maui is boosting one in seven homes over asking price, and one in 12 condos are being bid-up over asking price thus far in 2013. |
The wind’s blowing in your hair and you’re going as fast as you possibly can. What a feeling! It was all part of the fun at the box car racing event sponsored by Locations Foundation, supported by Prudential Locations, LLC, for Child and Family Services of Hawaii. This event, held at American Box Car Racing International recently, is a great way for siblings living in different foster homes to reconnect with family and each other in a fun and safe environment. A big mahalo goes out to the host of Prudential Locations' staff and REALTORS® who participated in the event, including Tom Presler, Joe Segal, Jodee Farm, Stephanie Chan, Eric Uyeda, Cheri Ambard, Fred Ushijima, Jessica Chiu, Lindsey Itamoto, Annie McCrea, Jo Ann Foulkes from Prudential Locations and Luana Holi (from Property Management). In addition to the many children and families, volunteers and staff members from Child and Family Services also attended. A yummy lunch accompanied by many happy and smiling faces concluded the event, and we look forward to another great event next year with the kids! |
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